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"Ms. Hampton and Mr. Styles where is your project?" My science teacher asked glaring at both if us. It was Wednesday morning, first period. Harry looked at me but I was just as confused as him.

"Project?" I asked.

"Yes you were supposed to build a model of anything you wanted using physics because that is the class you're in and it was due today"

"Oh that project! I thought it was due tomorrow!" Harry smoothly said to her. She scoffed and penciled something on her clipboard.

"Looks like we'll be working on a project today" I whispered.

"What should we make our project?" He asked.

"Let's do a volcano"

"You know how to build a volcano?"

"No but we have google" I giggled and he grabbed my hand under the table. I slightly blushed before locking eyes with him. I fought every urge to just kiss him. I wish we could and know one would see.

The rest of class moved slowly along as people presented their projects. It actually gave me some ideas for Harry and I's.

Science was the only class Harry and I had together so we couldn't see each other till lunch. I searched the cafeteria for him but I decided I'd find him later. I got a plate of chicken caesar salad because I wasn't that hungry.

"Anna come sit with us!" I heard Brianna's squeaky voice call me. I turned around with a fake smile on my face as I walked over to them.

"Hey guys" I said. They were all talking about something totally excluding me from the conversation. About ten minutes passed by as they ignored me until I heard one if her questions being directed at me.

"So what was the deal with you and Harry at homecoming? Did he like force you to go with him or something? He's so not your type"

"No I wanted to go with him" I snapped. The table got suddenly really awkward and I quickly ate my salad so I could get out of here.

"But..why?" Gosh why is she so persistent?

"Because be asked me and I went with him. Why is it such a big deal?"

"Jeez calm down I was just asking"

"Okay well I'm going to go now" I finished my last bite of my salad then got up and threw my plate away then continued looking around for Harry. I sighed walking around the hallways trying to find him but I couldn't.

I opened the door leading me outside to the courtyard then I remembered what he told me about eating outside. I looked around until I spotted a white t shirt facing away from me.

"I thought I'd find you here" I said watching as he jumped. I probably startled him. I took a seat on the grass and saw him recompose himself.

"Hi. Aren't you supposed to be gossiping with your friends?" He smirked.

"No they were being really annoying so I left"

"What were they saying?"

"They asked me if you forced me to go to homecoming with you" I lightly chuckled and he did the same rolling his eyes.

"Wow they really don't have anything else to talk about do they?"


"You know today in science I could tell you wanted to kiss me" He pulled me onto his lap.

"Hm really? How?"

"Because you gave me the look you did when we kissed in my car" He smirked. "And you're doing it again now"

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