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"Anna come on sweetie" My mum weakly said outside my door followed by sniffling. I didn't wear much makeup because I knew I'd be crying.

It was Monday morning and we were leaving to go to the airport. My parents each had a suitcase and a duffel bag. They didn't need very many clothes because they wore the same military uniform every day.

I wiped the tears forming in my eyes and shoved my phone in the back pocket of my white skinny jeans. The purple sweater was adjusted before I joined the rest of my family downstairs.

My mum and I were still sniffling and my dad had this sad expression. Noah was just blank. He was probably just happy they'd be out of the house for so long so he could do whatever he wanted knowing he could overpower me.

"Well I guess we should leave now" My dad said and we all followed him to the car. The drive to the airport was short and depressing.

The moment when their flight was called was the moment I had been dreading. I was upset they didn't even tell us until yesterday but I needed to be as grateful as possible for that last day.

While they're under water we won't be able to get in touch with them because their phones won't work. We may be lucky to even get a letter from them.

The announcer called for mum and dad's flight and it was time for them to leave.

"Anna please take care of Noah" My mum whispered in my ear as she hugged me.

"I'll try" My dad hugged me next and we all said our goodbyes and our I love you's once more before Noah and I just stood there watching them board the plane.

I didn't even glance at Noah before walking back to the car not caring if he followed me or not. I saw him open the passenger sear and I got in the driver's seat before starting the car and driving back home.

I felt Noah staring at me but I just ignored him until we got home.

"Are you going to school?" I asked in a bored voice.

"Are you?" He sassed back. I just gave him this annoyed expression and rolled my eyes before getting out of the car. As I walked inside I made up my mind that I wouldn't be going to school today. I wonder if Harry was though.

I was about to text him when I saw him leaning against the counter with a worried expression.

"Where are your parents?"

"They left" I probably should have further explained but I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Left as in left the country?"

"Not exactly. They need more nurses for the marines so now they're getting on a plane to fly wherever the submarines are"

"For how long?"

"Seven months"

"Seven? Why so long?" He asked with a shocked expression and I just shrugged my shoulders. Next thing I knew his strong arms were wrapping around my petite body. I hugged him back until I heard Noah enter the kitchen. We broke apart and I saw him go to the fridge.

"We don't have any food can you go shopping?" He asked rather rudely.

"You can but I'm taking care of myself since you're out to get me. What is your deal anyway? To follow me around taping every move I make then sending it to mum and dad?"

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"Noah here caught us kissing in your car last night and sent it to my parents" Harry looked pissed and tried to charge at my brother but I stopped him.

Forgotten (HS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon