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I knocked on the front of Harry's door because today we were going shopping. I was about to knock again but a girl with long blonde hair and brown eyes opened the door. She looked similar to Harry and a few years older than me.

"Hi I'm Anna I live across the street. Is Harry here?"

"So you're Anna! Harry has talked so much about you. He said you were beautiful but I didn't know you were this beautiful!" She smiled. He called me beautiful..

"That's very nice if you are you his sister?"

"Yes I'm Gemma it's nice to meet you"

"It's a pleasure"

"Hey Anna sorry it took me so long" Harry came to the doorway.

"Bye Gemma" I waved to her and she returned it with a smile.

"Well you two are very friendly" Harry grinned.

"She's very nice and I haven't had someone beside you and my parents treat me like that" He got in the passenger seat of my car and I started driving to the mall.

"So those bitchy girls you sit with at lunch aren't nice to you?"

"They're just fake and I hate fake people"

"Me too"

"What about you? I never see you in the cafeteria"

"I go outside where it's peaceful. There's an oak tree that outlines the courtyard that I sit under. Nobody usually finds me there and it's nice"

"That sounds nice"

"It is. You don't have to worry about listening to guys brag about how many girls they fucked in one night" I giggled at his vulgar comment.

"You're kind of like an outsider. The good kind that doesn't care about what people think of them and isn't afraid to get out of a place that makes them feel uncomfortable"

"Yeah I guess" I felt his eyes train on my face as I focused on the road. My eyes flickered over to his and he quickly broke his stare. Gosh he was adorable. "What are your friends like?"

"Annoying. One day it's how big of a sale they got on their new shoes then the next it's how many times they made out. I'm never really included in their conversations I just kind of sit there observing"

"We're very alike in a lot of ways if you think about it" He admitted.

"Yeah...we are"

"Let's play a game" He suggested.

"Okay what game?"

"20 questions"

"I'll go first" I thought before asking him a question. "What's your full name?"

"Harry Edward Styles. What's yours?"

"Anna Katherine Hampton. When's your birthday and how old are you?"

"February 1,1994. I'm 17. You?"

"September 1, 1993. I'm 17 too. What is your favourite movie?"

"Titanic. What's yours?"

"....Titanic" Wow we have a few things in common so far. "Favourite colours?"

"Orange and blue. Yours?"

"Just pink. Um I ran out of questions"

"Okay what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A physiatrist. What would you like to be when you grow up?"

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