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I literally cannot process what just happened.

"Harry!" I frustratedly whisper-yelled.

"Sorry I heard footsteps and I panicked. You're lucky I was able to pick the lock on your door quick enough. I didn't think she'd come in here and who has a mirror in their shower?!" He laughed and tried to turn around but I pushed him back.

"I do! It's for when I take my makeup off in the shower"

"Anna I've seen you naked before so can I just turn around this wall is really boring"

"What when have you seen me naked?"

"I can literally see right through your window. Do you not close your curtains when you change? There are a lot of perverts out there walking around late at night looking into people's windows"

"What like you?"

"No I just so happened to see you one night when you were changing" He stated. "Can I turn around now?"

"No you can wait till I'm finished while sitting outside of the shower" Harry again complained but I forced him out. I washed my hair then once I was done I kept the water running so Harry could shower. I wrapped myself in a towel and stepped out onto the rug. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I didn't feel like dressing up really so I just put some ripped blue jean shorts on and a gray t shirt. Eh boring but simple. It was already 6:45 so I probably wouldn't make it in time for first period since Harry just started showering.

Harry is showering in my bathroom. I slept in the same bed as him. We were in the shower together. Woah woah woah. I had never even so much as gone further than making out with boyfriends why am I suddenly okay with sleeping in the same bed with a guy?

Harry really just catches me at my weakest points. I mean it was 2:30 in the morning last night. I wasn't even half awake so I had no idea what was happening. Even if I was awake I wouldn't know what was happening because there's just something about Harry that's so intriguing.

And I literally just met him like a week ago. People can be friends for a week then end up sleeping in the same bed and showering together right? No but I'll pretend it's okay.

I'm almost 18 anyway so it's not like this is a 14 year old thing. I walked into the bathroom and started drying my hair.

"So wanna ditch school?" Harry asked again.

"What the heck it's senior year sure let's do it. Where are we going?"

"Well I definitely do not want to face your mother again so we'll go get breakfast then I don't know go somewhere" Harry's really great at planning things you can tell.

"Sounds fun" I dried my hair then curled it with my curling iron into wavy curls.

Harry was done by now and he was in a towel that hung really low.. Damn it I should have looked at him naked while I had the chance. Wait no that's wrong.

I stopped staring hopefully before he caught it but I knew by the stupid smirk on his face that he did. Well can you blame me for staring? He's like a god that just got out of the shower. Actually he is a god that just got out of the shower.

Why the hell am I so attracted to him all of a sudden? I probably am on my period who knows. I'm also very thankful he can't read minds because if he knew what I was thinking he'd probably jump out of the window as fast as possible and never look back.

"You seem very deep in thought" Harry observed still in his towel. Yeah well I'm just scolding myself for not checking you out in the shower. Definitely the wrong thing to say.

"No I was just thinking about this..um" What to say.. "Bird that I saw yesterday" Wow. A bird. That's the best thing I can come up with. I wouldn't be surprised if Harry just jumped out of the window because I'm talking about a bird.

"A bird? Really?" He was not convinced. Now he was just teasing me to see what I could come up with.

"Yeah it was red and.." What other characteristics do birds have that aren't obvious? I don't know I'm not a birdologist. What is wrong with me. I need a therapist. "It was red"

"Uh huh so how big was the bird?" He smiled obviously amused by my lack of knowledge on birds.

"Like five inches"

"Was it flying?"

"Why do you care so much about my bird?"

"Just curious of how well you can lie. So far I've gathered that you're a horrible liar" He laughed.

"I'm an excellent liar" Lying again.

"I can tell you're lying about being a liar because you think you're a good liar by telling lies but you don't stop to think of how well you lie about the lies to make the lies believable so it's pretty obvious you're lying"

"It is before seven in the morning do you think my brain can process that?" He chuckled again but I was being dead serious. "No seriously the synapse of my neurotransmitters is not functioning at the moment" He stopped laughing and looked at me with utter confusion. Ha point for Anna.


"Neurotransmitters are the messengers of the brain that tell certain brain cells things to control the mind and body. The synapse is the space in between the messengers and the brain cells is still waking up so therefor my brain cells are not comprehending that whole speech about lying"

"Yeah well my brain is not comprehending itself. How do you know so much about this?"

"It's really interesting actually if you like it. I like learning about the brain but I could care less what the standard form of a quadratic is" I scoffed. I hate math.

"You're really cute when you get all nerdy" He thinks I'm cute. Que butterflies and feelings.

"I am not a nerd"

"Okay keep telling yourself that" He lightly laughed and I decided he probably wants me to stop focusing on him so he could put his pants back on.

I then started on makeup. I just put light foundation and powder on then a touch of blush. I drew a light brown line on top of each eye lid ending it with a small wing then lightly drug the mascara brush along my eyelashes. Good thing I had backup for example when my mother takes mine. I ended it with light pink lip gloss.

When I opened the bathroom door Harry was in his pajama pants. How is he going to get out of her and go back home without my dad seeing him. My mum has already figured things out but my dad hasn't and if he does I will surely be grounded for the rest of my life.

My mum is a softy even though she's also in the military but my dad is full on strict. There are orders for this and bla bla bla. If he found out Harry and I slept together not in a sexual way but still and showered together I don't know which one of us he'd kill first.

"So how am I supposed to get out of here?" He asked.

"Um I'll stall my parents and then you run out the front door?"

"Sounds good enough"

Let's hope this works.


Heyy thank you all so much for reading and voting it means a lot!

Keep it up!



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