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"This doesn't make any sense!" I groaned practically throwing my phone against the counter.

"What?" Harry asked.

"This stupid recipe requires like this Ocimum basilicum. I have never heard of that ever! I just want to make salsa!"

"Oh that's a plant that smells like lemon" I stared at him in confusion. How did he know that?

"Are you some sort of a plant expert?"

"No it's common sense" Harry's definition of common sense is knowing that Ocimum basilicum is a lemon flavored plant. Okay.

"What planet do you live on?"

"More like what plant do you live on!" He literally just burst out laughing at his own joke. It wasn't even funny but I laughed anyway because of how easily a stupid joke could make him laugh.

"Do you get all your jokes off the back off a candy wrapper?"

"Sometimes. They actually can be quite entertaining"

"Okay moving on so where can I get this lemon plant?"


"Nevermind we'll just use lemon juice" Why does making salsa have to be so confusing?

"Why salsa out of all things?"

"Because I'm in the mood for salsa"

"Great reasoning" He smirked. He helped me make a delicious salad with the different spices we managed to fish out of my pantry.

"Hey where are your chips?" Harry asked looking around in the pantry.

"They should be in there"

"Well they aren't" I huffed and took a look myself. He was right.

"Seriously I spend an hour to make salsa and we don't even have chips"

"I can go get some from my house?" He offered.

"Okay if you don't mind that'd be great" I smiled at him.

"No problem I'll be back in a second" And a few minutes later he came back with a bag of chips and started eating the salsa.

"I think you put a little too much lemon juice" Harry said with his features contorting at the lemon juice.

"Yeah me too..oh well"

"Harry is everything okay with your mum?" It was silent for a few seconds before he nodded.

"She'll be okay" I didn't sound like this conversation was going any further so I changed the subject.

"Okay if you couldn't be a lawyer when you grew up what else would you be?" His eyes lit up and he seemed relieved when I stopped talking about his mum. I don't understand why he's so afraid of talking about her.

"Maybe a singer or something or I could write songs for other famous people"

"Wait you can sing?"

"Not really" He was acting very sheepishly.

"So you want to be a singer but you can't sing?" I smirked.

"Okay fine I can sing"

"Can you sing for me?"

"I've never sung before in front of anyone"

"Well I'll be your first" He seemed really nervous before speaking again.

"Okay I wrote this song about a year ago..

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