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It's been six months. Six months since my parents have died. Today is March 20th and yes it still saddens me to know that they aren't here on Earth with me but I know they're in Heaven. I know they're in a better place watching over me. The first few weeks were really difficult and honestly I wouldn't have gotten over it without Harry.

He is my angel that has guided me through this dark tunnel and I finally see the light. I finally am at peace with my parents' death and I owe him the world for that. He never gave up on me when I wouldn't eat or when I wouldn't shower or when I wouldn't talk.

I was beside myself those few weeks. I didn't even go to school for about five weeks. But Harry tutored me and I actually cooperated because I need to get into college. I desperately do. I managed to get three jobs; one in the fashion industry and it pays very well, another working as a professor's assistant, and I'm a barista at a popular cafè close by. It's not any Starbucks but it is very good. They aren't legit jobs for life but enough for me to save up a lot for college.

I'm applying for UCLA because of that fact that it's in California and so I can get out of England and because they have a medical school and I've always wanted to be a doctor. But I'm going to need ten jobs to pay for that. My parents will gave both Noah and I all of their money and savings. But Noah wasn't there to claim it so it's all mine. I have no idea where he is honestly. I haven't seen him in a long time.

Mostly because I've been staying at Harry's house. So many things are happening right now it's overwhelming. From the times I've gone to my house to get certain things Noah hasn't been there once. His room has been completely cleared out. All his clothes, other belongings, and even his bedsheets are gone. Looks like he moved out.

I've decided that I'm going to stay with Harry until it's time for me to go to California and sell my house in the process and all three of my parents'/my car. That will at least give me two or three years at college. There's a 'for sale' sign on a lot of things. I'm upset I'm selling the house I've loved so much but it has to be done especially if no one is living in it.

Right now Harry is at his job at the bakery and I'm at my house packing things into boxes. I know of a few stores I can sell clothing so I'm going through my mum and dad's clothes. It's 8 AM on this rainy Saturday and I have papers to grade, a shift at the cafè from 10-2, then another one at the studio from 3-7.

I obviously work in the fashion area and my job is mainly to order fabrics, put outfits together, sell models their modeling clothes in where you can't really get at your every day store. Yeah they pay me to basically shop but it's more technical.

I've cleared the floor in my parents' bedroom to lay out clothes. One pile for selling, one for keeping. My mum and I are the same size so I'd fit in most of her clothes but some of them just aren't me. Same with her jewelry. There are a lot of jewelry stores that will buy things for a lot of money.

I've actually gone threw all my clothes and decided which things I could give away because they don't fit or simply because I don't like them. Anne has also been so helpful with the whole house&car selling situations because an 18 year old like me knows nothing of that.

My days are also super booked. I have a morning shift at the studio from 5:30-6:30. Then I pick Harry up and we usually go get breakfast somewhere before school. After school I usually get new tests from Mr. Anderson, the professor I am assisting. Occasionally he asks me to make a powerpoint for his students on his subject, Economics.

Based on the information he gives me and tells me to put into slides on a powerpoint I've learned that it's a very boring subject but it's how to make money and in my case I could use some of that. He pays me five pounds each test paper and there are like 500 students in his class so that's a very nice boost under my other job.

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