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"Harry would you stop messing around we need to find this stuff and get home and do it!" I whisper screamed since there were other people in the aisle with us.

"But I wanna hug you it's your birthday" His arms were locked around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. I pushed the basket also throwing in some red paint.

"Look after we finish the project we'll have the whole night to ourselves. I think Noah is with the football team today anyway" I felt his lips press against my neck sending shivers down my spine. "Harry" I sternly groaned.

"Cmon Anna no one cares"

"Harry they came here to buy supplies not to watch us fladoodle in the aisle"


"Yes that's exactly what we are doing" I also threw some clay in since that seems like it'd be good material to build a volcano out of.

"I think we have enough stuff we can go home now" He whispered mischievously. I checked everything making sure we had pretty much all we needed. Poster board, paint, clay, fake dirt, tomato sauce, baking soda. Yeah we're good.

"If you get off of me long enough for us to checkout we can do whatever at home"

"Fine but you're keeping your word" I rolled my eyes playfully and went to the checkout counter. Harry eventually let go of me instantly holding my hand. I bit my lip trying not to smile like an idiot. I don't think he noticed. I looked back up and his green eyes were trained on me with a small smile playing on his lips.

We set all the items on the checkout counter and the old lady did her job then we eventually left and drove back to my house. Harry helped me unload the supplies and bring them inside.

"I'm so tired" I set the supplies down in the kitchen then jumped on the couch face down.

"Me too" I felt Harry's weight on top of me.

"Jesus Harry you're like an elephant"

"No I'm not" He giggled. He's adorable when he laughs but not when he's on top of me squeezing all the air out of my lungs.

"I can't breath" He got up allowing me to breath then picked me up and laid down with me curled up on his chest.

"You smell like strawberries"

"I know" I giggled as he sniffed my hair. Weirdo.

"Every time I compliment you, you just say 'I know'"

"Because I'm agreeing with you"

"Someone's a little full of themselves" He teased.

"Fine. Oh my gosh thank you you're so sweet awww"

"That's better" I pecked his lips and tried getting off of him but he pulled me back down and started lip locking with me.

"We need to work on our project" I groaned pulling away from him.

"It's only 4. We still have six hours if we go to sleep at 10" He connected our lips and I straddled his torso. I felt his tongue pry my lips open and meet mine along with his hands roaming my hips.

Our lips continued in sync until my shirt was slowly being pulled off. I didn't really care if Harry saw me in my bra it isn't like he hasn't seen it before. We broke the kiss while he lifted my shirt off and tossed it on the ground.

Was I wearing a cute bra today? Eh it wasn't like Victoria Secret model type but it was a cute nude bra and I was cool with that. I heard Harry hum with pleasure as I ran my hands down his abs.

I felt his hand cup my breast and I smiled through the kiss. I thought back to when Harry and I first met. He was trying to be all bad and cool smoking and whatever but he's nothing like that. He hasn't smoked since we became friends or in a relationship.

Then when he was in my kitchen talking to my parents after him being an asshole to me. And when we went shopping for homecoming outfits. We were so close to kissing but I was not ready for that and now we're here making out on my couch.

It was getting really heated and now he flipped us over so he was on top of me. His hips were grinding on mine and it was a huge turn on. I don't know how much more of this I can take. We both pulled away gasping for air and eventually he rested his head on my chest both of us panting.

I ran my hands through his hair listening to both of our breaths steadying. I enjoyed the silence and playing with his fluffy brown hair. It was really fun to play with too.

"You're beautiful" He whispered. My heart fluttered tremendously.

"Thank you"

"You sound surprised"

"Most guys just say I'm hot or sexy or that I'm a slut and a whore"

"You're not a slut or a whore those guys are idiots don't let them get to you" He lightly pecked my lips again.

"Yeah I know but it's annoying how people think you're something you're not"

"Just don't worry about it I'm here for you" I sat up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you again Harry now let's get working on this project" I stood up and put my shirt back on while Harry groaned falling back on the couch.

"You could at least leave your shirt off" He smirked.

"No because then we wouldn't get anything done!" I cleared the kitchen table and started laying out all the supplies. "Hey can you run upstairs and get my laptop Harry?"

"Sure I'll be right back" He ran upstairs and I thought of how big the volcano should be. Maybe like a foot tall I guess? Yeah that sounds good. "Anna..um come here" Harry called from my room. By the tone of his voice I was worried so I quickly ran upstairs to find my room destroyed.

"That little asshole!" Noah was exactly who did this. My clothes were scattered everywhere and things were knocked over. Thankfully it was just messy and nothing was broken.

"I'll help you clean it up"

"You know what? Two can play at this game" I marched into Noah's room and it was unlocked this time. I stopped when I smelled something weird. Harry met me in his room and by the look on his face he knew there was something unusual going on here.

"Do you smell that?" It was a mix of tainted perfume and cologne. Harry nodded. "What do you think it is?"

"Sex" Woah what?

"What do you mean 'sex'?"

"I mean that Noah is a little player"

"How would you know?" Just as the question slipped I remembered when he told me he slept with girls okay nevermind. He gave me a questioning look as if trying to get out of saying anything.

"Are you sure you want me to answer that?"

"Right nevermind. But we've been here for a while and I haven't seen him with girls inside"

"He's probably doing it when we aren't here"

"That's a disturbing thought" I muttered then started opening his drawers and throwing things everywhere with Harry's help. We didn't break anything because if we did then he'd break my stuff and I didn't need that. After it looked destroyed enough we cleaned up my room then started on our project.

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