Chapter 9

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Falling For My Brother's Bestfriend

2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 9


The next time I opened my eyes, shining blue-gray ones looked at me. The corner of my lips turned up into a smile.

Hm, well look at that; Blair Bradley is smiling naturally. And the reason? The handsome man laying next to her.

They didn't go all the way last night. There was an unspoken communication stating that they'd wait for a better time, where it's perfect, no alcohol was in their system, and they were both for sure that it would be what they wanted. On my part, I want it more than anything to have Aiden and I be intimate and literally become one. That day will be perfect no matter what. And that's why it was worth waiting for.

"Goodmorning, Blairbear." he greeted with a smile.

"Mornin'." I replied.

After that, everything happened quickly.

Without a knock, Carly walked in Aiden's room. She was fiercely tapping away on her iPhone. "Aiden, have you seen Blair? She's not in her-- Oh my God!!!"

I quickly sat up when the door opened, forgetting that I was completely naked. The blanket had fallen down on my waist, baring my chest for the world to see.

Holy mother of Jesus Christ.

Aiden acted fast, putting a pillow in front of my naked body. That didn't stop me from screaming from being shocked over the situation.

That, of course, attracted Blake's attention. He came running in the room as well, with a... spoon?

"What happen-- WHAT THE FUCK, BLAIR?"

Holy mother of fucking God and Jesus Christ, and all the angels above.

We're dead.

My brother started coming towards us. "Aiden, I'm gonna fucking strangle you." he threatened.

Carly, finally out of her daze, took Blake's arm and pulled him out the room with all her might. He threw the spoon straight at Aiden, smirking evily when he hit his target with a loud thud.

"Ow!!!" Aiden said, rubbing his forehead.

"Let me go. Now, Carly, God dammit!!!" Aiden and I heard him yell as the door closed.

We were silent for a while, then: "Shit. We're fucked." we both said at the same time. Then Aiden laughed and I looked at him like he grew a second head.

"You think this is funny?" I asked him incredulously. "Blake's going to kill you. You think I'm joking but I'm not."

Of course I knew Blake wouldn't really kill him, but my brother hit people just from seeing me kiss them. I can't imagine what he'd do to a guy he caught me sleeping naked in bed with. Especially since the guy was his best friend.

"He might be a little mad but nothing drastic." Aiden shrugged.

"Uhm... Are you still drunk? We're both naked on your bed. I know we didn't go far but he doesn't know that. He's probably out already digging your grave, Aiden."

"Don't worry."

I raised my eyebrows in question. "Is there something I should know?" I asked him.

He hesitated before answering. "No."

Hm. "Well, I know Blake and he will deffinately have your ass."

"We'll see." was all he said.

I got up, not caring that I was completely bare and giving him a show. I heard him take in a breath as I bent over to pick up my clothes. I slipped on by dress, not bothering to put on my undergarments knowing that I'll be showering in a few minutes.

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