The Boundary Where It All Connects

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Feeling lost Ye Gui Feng scratches the back of his head and looks around. Surrounding him are three giant gates with each one depicting a different image.

The gate right in front of Ye Gui Feng depicts a kingdom surrounded by clouds. It looks to be a floating empire.

The second gate depicts a world of beasts. These beasts all seem quite ferocious with a few having around multiple tails, arms, and even eyes.

The third gate is almost blank but if one looks closely this is simply because whatever had been carved onto it had been rubbed away.

(Is this what he meant by this piece of memory being unique? But what kind of sense does this make?)

This change in the landscapes couldn't possibly have occurred during that battle.

Just as Ye Gui Feng takes one step forward a person appears within this strange world.

The person who had appeared is none other than Tu Chun Ye who has his eyes opened, however he doesn't see Ye Gui Feng at all despite being right in front of him.


Tu Chun Ye sighs while shaking his head.

"Three gates left. Looks like the rest have all closed off."

Tu Chun Ye turns his body in the direction of the gate that is almost blank.

"This one is on the verge of closing."

What Ye Gui Feng doesn't know is the fact that there used to be ten gates within this dimension but seven of them had vanished.

"Tch too late huh?"

A voice filled with irritation speaks and from within a misty black void Ye Huang Zi emerges. He immediately sees Tu Chun Ye causing him to knit his eyebrows together.

"Long time no see."

"Indeed it has."

(Does this memory take place a few years after their fight?)

Approaching closer to the two Ye Gui Feng gives his full attention towards the two's conversation.

"Everyone else?"

Ye Huang Zi shakes his head with a gesture of not caring.


Seemingly thinking of something Tu Chun Ye doesn't answer for a while before turning his attention back towards the blank gate.

"I see. Quite a shame that they cannot make it."

"They stayed for a reason but you don't have a reason to remain behind."

"And what of you then? Aren't you very much the same?"

"They can call me a coward all they like but unlike them I want to live a bit longer. What's the point of fighting against that emperor? If we're screwed either way, I'd rather flee."

Speculating that this must take place in the time period in which the ancient world had chosen to rebel against Emperor Long Feng Ye Gui Feng blinks his eyes at Ye Huang Zi choosing to avoid the battle.

Inwardly Ye Gui Feng finds this somewhat hard to believe from his impression of Ye Huang Zi. But perhaps that is because he didn't truly know Ye Huang Zi that well as a person that he would think like this.

Walking up to stand by Tu Chun Ye's side Ye Huang Zi turns his eyes in the direction of the gate that is carved with beasts.

To Ye Huang Zi he didn't see a point in remaining in a world that is doomed to fall.

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