Remember That Your Experiences Here Are Not a Dream

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It takes about a full day's time for Yao Mu Ya and Mo Xuan Yong to fill in the giant crater that is near the front entrance.

The day after the repairs are finished Mo Xuan Yong is called by Ye Gui Feng to meet him in his courtyard.

[How much do you really know about your own species?]

Sitting on the wooden couch that is located at the end of the living room Ye Gui Feng speaks to Mo Xuan Yong who is seated to a chair that is close by.

[Grandfather only told me that he belongs to a species known as Celestial Spirits along with a minor bit of details about them. Prior to his death he passed onto me a cultivation method but other than that he didn't really tell me much about his personal life. Although he did tell me about the places that he had been to.]

[And the magic art that allowed you to summon stars?]

What intrigues Ye Gui Feng the most would be that magic art that he had once seen Bai Yan'er use.

[That's something that grandfather had made himself.]

In that case the star summoning magic can be considered a Celestial Spirit art. The traditional Celestial Spirit arts are the divine arts and examples of those would be the Seal of the Celestial Emperor or the Heaven Extermination Finger.

But these traditional arts are far too costly in magic energy. With that being the case it isn't uncommon for Celestial Spirits to invent their own Celestial Spirit arts and passing them on as a part of their individual legacies.

Unfortunately Ye Gui Feng had never obtained any of these arts from Tu Chun Ye's memories but it wasn't that great of a deal considering how many other types of magic, demonic, and Dao arts that he had seen and can manifest through Dao Manifestation of a Will.

[Have you ever passed it onto someone?]

[A girl who I met after the selection event.]

Speculating that this girl that Mo Xuan Yong had met to be the past life of the Bai Yan'er that he knows Ye Gui Feng's curiosity is partially settled.

[What happened to her after?]

[She was accepted into the Moon River Court. Her talent seems to be considered valuable to them.]

With that being the case Ye Gui Feng didn't think that there will be any issues. However he inwardly keeps the Moon River Court's name in mind.

[Originally I wanted to go visit the place that I spent my early years with grandfather before coming here.]

[How long ago was it that you left?]

[Maybe ten years ago?]

Considering how this entire world had been broken down once Ye Gui Feng isn't too sure of him being able to find any traces of the Celestial Spirit who had raised Mo Xuan Yong. But it isn't the traces that he is after.

(Ten years... Considering how powerful a Celestial Spirit is their will shouldn't be so easily extinguished with the passage of time.)

Taking into consideration of how a Celestial Spirit is an existence that is naturally defiant towards the laws of heaven their wills can't possibly be erased in a mere ten years' time.

As a practitioner that cultivates in wills and intents interacting with the remnant wills that had been left behind by powerful individuals of old is the easiest way for Ye Gui Feng to increase his understandings of them.

[I'll go there with you to save some time on the trip. We'll set off tomorrow morning and hopefully make it back by nightfall.]

Mo Xuan Yong didn't question Ye Gui Feng's words as he gives a nod.

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