Interest in Taking up Alchemy

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Seeing Yao Mu Ya summoning out a cauldron to refine the demonic skull made up of wills two ideas appeared in Ye Gui Feng's head.

Under the struggles of the demonic skull fighting back against its fate of being refined a series of backlashes are transmitted onto Yao Mu Ya causing his complexion to pale.

Gritting his teeth Yao Mu Ya transfer more magic energy onto the cauldron and spreads out his divine senses to further suppress the demonic skull even more.

Refining a soul is but a theory that Yao Mu Ya had found by sheer coincidence.

In the past a certain alchemist had tried to refine souls to create pills but in the end they had given up due to the difficulties.

Never would Yao Mu Ya had thought that he himself would try something like this.

Although Yao Mu Ya isn't an alchemist the process of refining an object is never the less something that he is accustomed to due to his experience in refining magic treasures.

With that in mind Yao Mu Ya is somewhat confident of this succeeding.

Watching this unfold Ye Gui Feng put some thought into one of the ideas that had appeared in his head.

(This ghost is made up of wills so it isn't an actual ghost. However it can be considered an artificial ghost.)

A soul exists within every single living thing that has a sense of conscience. At times a soul is also called a spirit.

But the word spirit can mean multiple things. At times it can refer to the soul of a living creature or it can also refer to sense of passion.

For a spirit to even be created means that one must have a will of intent.

(I originally had an idea of making a Jiangshi that is capable of thinking on their own two feet by infusing living souls into them in the past. But...)

That is not without its own set of issues. The living soul can rebel if things go wrong so their conscience are generally sealed. But sealing their conscience means that they won't be capable of thinking on their own so it completely destroys the point of that concept.

For a soul or spirit to be created one must have a will of intent for them to form. It is speculated that lingering regrets and the likes allow ghosts to remain in the living world but what's to say that these ghosts are the actual souls of the dead individual?

Thinking of how Immortal Emperor Kong Xuan's corpse had generated a will of its own over time only serves to confirm Ye Gui Feng's ideas.

Ghosts exists and they can be artificially created. At the same time they are a type of conscience will that can be manipulated under the right circumstances, using the right techniques.

(My abilities to control ghosts is practically peerless and Dao Manifestation of a Will is the ultimate will manipulation technique there is. With these two tools in hand what's to say that I can't make this idea a reality anymore?)

Creating a ghost through his own force of will means that Ye Gui Feng would be able to create a loyal servant that is capable of thinking on their own without being given orders.

Although just this idea alone is not enough to get Ye Gui Feng's heart pulping. What actually got his heart to beat in excitement is the newest idea that had just appeared.

(If I can refine the ideas, no the comprehensions of others in their respective Daos into a pill and consume that I would be able to directly add their understandings to my own! This is an even faster way to creating my Authorities than just allowing my clones to do it!)

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