Well This Should Be Interesting to Watch

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Within a vortex lies nine different pocket dimensions. Each of them are a trial ground.

Raising his finger and pointing to a spot of darkness within this vortex Ye Gui Feng creates a tenth pocket dimension and forcefully throws all the participants who had passed through the stone gate there.

Closing the vortex Ye Gui Feng leans his head back.

"...If I throw them into all nine trial grounds... No, they probably won't even survive up to four."

Seeing the amount of struggles that these participants had put up in the hopes of being chosen to become his disciple Ye Gui Feng sighs as he raises his head.

The kind of effort that these people had gone through just to survive the first trial showed their determination to come out on top.

With how difficult he had made these trial grounds to be Ye Gui Feng is certain that all of them would fail in the end.

Being so unfair towards these individual's resolve would be far too disrespectful of a thing to do when they had showed this much effort.

Had Ye Gui Feng been in their situation and found out that this entire thing had been just a big lie he didn't know just how he would react.

At times using a lie to resolve a situation is fine but this is not one of them. The majority of the participants who had come into this trial had showed Ye Gui Feng a sincere sense of respect.

(*Sigh* if I wish to really earn those eyes of respect then I suppose this is where I should start...)

Inwardly sighing Ye Gui Feng steels his decisions.

"Using a calamity to pressure one to grow stronger..."

"No wonder they say that primordial era practitioners had been far stronger than those of the ancient world and modern era combined."

"It doesn't matter if they failed this trial or not. Those who survive till the end and come out from here will all end up becoming powerful experts in the future because of this experience."

"This trial must have been specifically designed to sharpen these juniors."

As Ye Gui Feng has his spirit sense spread out completely these conversations are naturally transmitted into his ears.

Hearing these conversations Ye Gui Feng makes a strange expression as he shakes his head.

"Have you changed your mind?"

"You didn't really agree with me making it impossible for someone to pass did you?"

Xiao Ju Hong smiles lightly at this question before nodding her head. Although she had disagreed with Ye Gui Feng's decisions she didn't voice it as she had faith that he would change his mind as time goes on.

Towards this Ye Gui Feng puts on a bitter expression.

As the participants come to their senses from the forced teleportation that they had experienced through Ye Gui Feng's interventions they find themselves within a world of darkness.

Looking around the silver robed Celestial Spirit shrinks down to the size of a human child.

It was also then that Ye Gui Feng's voice is transmitted into the trial grounds and the outside world.

[That had been my first trial. I congratulate those who had passed. Now that you have all experienced a taste of what my remaining two trials might consist of you all have the option to forfeit now or to continue. I shall give everyone who has passed an hour to decide or to recover a bit from their state of exhaustion.]

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