Spear of Magic Arrays

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Raising a clenched fist the fire giant smashes it against its own chest and shatters the Seal of the Celestial Emperor before regaining its balance and raises its head to seemingly glare at Ye Gui Feng.

From the moment that Ye Gui Feng had broken out of the spherical prison of flames till now less than five minutes had gone by.


Directing an eye back behind him Ye Gui Feng sees his demonic self still in the form of an Undying Bird that's balled up into a fetal position with its wings covering itself.

The fire elemental energy that is scattered throughout the air at this time can be considered great nourishment for the Undying Bird.

Without a shred of doubt that in the ancient world all phoenixes would consider this curse to be a misfortune due to its strength. But for Ye Gui Feng at this time it is a little bit of both fortune and misfortune combined.


Sweeping an eye around the area Ye Gui Feng sees that the number of golden phoenixes and flame bodied immortals have drastically decreased in numbers.

In actuality most of Ye Gui Feng's preparation didn't go into combating the extras that this curse might bring. His real object lies and magic array set up is focused elsewhere.

[Should still last a while.]

Knowing that he needed to finish off the fire giant quickly Ye Gui Feng redirects his attention back to it the moment it takes a step forward.

With that single step the fire giant had closed the gap between itself and Ye Gui Feng as its 900 meter body stands but a few meters away from Ye Gui Feng at this time!

The moment the fire giant raises its right fist a mountainous pressure of crushing might spreads from its body of flames!

With the fire giant standing at a height of 900 meter Ye Gui Feng looks almost like a large rodent before it and the image of this fire giant that is about to smash its right fist down can only be described as terrifying!

In the next instance the fire giant that has drawn its fist back as much as possible starts to lower it! The manner at which this fist is being smashed down is similar to a falling meteor of blazing flames making a charge towards a planet!

In the face of the fire giant's fist Ye Gui Feng doesn't do anything to dodge as he clenches his right fist and strikes a punch upwards!

The moment Ye Gui Feng's right fist makes contact with the fist of the fire giant's a tremor runs through his body as numerous cracks split open throughout his right arm! From these deep cracks magic energy seethes out.

*BOOM!!!!!!!!* despite the size difference between the fire giant and himself Ye Gui Feng somehow manages to only be forced a hundred meters back without being completely smashed into the earth beneath him!

The moment Ye Gui Feng comes to a stop he draws in a few breaths of air. The magic energy in the form of pale white mist that are seething out of his wounds lessen in density.

By now half of the cracks on Ye Gui Feng's left arm had closed.

Although this rate of healing can be considered quite fast under ordinary circumstances but to Ye Gui Feng it couldn't possibly be any slower at this time.

If he somehow manages to one day combine his current rate of healing as a Celestial Spirit alongside the regenerative properties of the ancient phoenix as well then Ye Gui Feng is quite certain that in a battle of attrition he would be the last one standing even if he was up against someone that is a realm of cultivation above him.

[*Sigh* even now I still feel far too weak...]

Ye Gui Feng's cultivation speed can be considered quite fast in his age group but he lacks battle experience which is something that can only be acquired from a series of life and death struggles.

As Ye Gui Feng stands afloat in the air the right hand of the fire giant performs a single-handed incantation gesture before waving out its left hand.

The moment the fire giant's left hand is waved the fire dragon that is covering the skies with its entire body raises a howling cry before its body distorts and transforms into the shape of a human hand!

The giant hand of flames' size cannot be measured but it is definitely more than capable of crushing a planet. Even in this state this hand of flames has completely blotted out the skies with its body!

Although with the kind of heat that this hand is giving off it probably won't even need to exert any kind of force as it can just burn an entire planet into ashes given an hour's worth of time.

A hot blast of wind blows causing Ye Gui Feng hair and robes to flutter about as the giant hand of flames move to reach down towards him!

As the hand of flames draw closer and closer its fingers begin to curl up and close. From the looks of it it intends to crush Ye Gui Feng and burn him alive within its grasp.

The sight of this reminds Ye Gui Feng of the first trial grounds that he had set. But unlike the first trial that he had set there is no gate to smash open for an escape.

[Heh... Is this supposed to be karma?]

Constricting his eyes Ye Gui Feng backs away until his feet touches the earth. Inwardly raising a sigh Ye Gui Feng realizes that now is not the time for him to act tough. Although his plan is now moving away from what he had original calculated it didn't matter too much.

Without any more hesitation Ye Gui Feng crouches down and presses his palm onto the landmass.

With Ye Gui Feng's hand as its center ten lines spread outwards to cover up the entirety of the landmass.

One by one decagon shapes appear rapidly until the entirety of the landmass looks to be covered up by a giant spider web.

Clenching his hand Ye Gui Feng pulls this spider web up and tosses it into the air.

If Yao Ming Zhu can see this then he would surely be surprised to find Ye Gui Feng doing the same thing as him during the battle of survival against Shen Sha Zi.

The gigantic spider web that is tossed up into the air distorts as it rotates and swirl together to form the body of an odd shaped spear!

A golden ring floats by the spearhead of this weapon and the spearhead itself is divided into five heads.

Complex runes cover up the entirety of the spear as it gives off a power that is unique to magic arrays alone.

Without any hesitation Ye Gui Feng waves his hand and launches the spear in the direction of the blazing hand of flames!

If there isn't a visible way of escaping from this calamity like situation then one can only choose to create their own means of escaping!

Shooting forth the spear made up of basic and intermediate magic arrays draw out a beam of starlight in the air!

In the midst of the spear's travel the golden ring surrounding its neck gives off a droning sound and this soundwave causes the flame bodied immortals and golden phoenixes to tremble before they are almost all destroyed.

The energies from them are directly absorbed into the golden ring and within the blink of an eye the spear collides with the hand of flames' center!

*BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!* upon being hit by the spear the hand of flames abruptly halts it advancement as its fingers also stopped moving!

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