Know That the World Is Big

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Walking along Ye Gui Feng careful observes the Celestial Spirit without them noticing his presence.


Pondering for a bit Ye Gui Feng notices that the face of the Celestial Spirit doesn't resemble that of Bai Yan'er at all.

(I would think that he would have a connection to big sis Yan'er but that doesn't seem to be the case. However this is in the past so maybe he would have a connection to her eventually as time drags on.)

As for the kind of impression that Ye Gui Feng has in mind for this Celestial Spirit on the personality side of things-

(I would say he's definitely the arrogant and bratty type.)

As 30 minutes go by silently the Celestial Spirit abruptly stops walking as they spread out their spirit senses to check their surroundings.


As this is happening Ye Gui Feng raises a finger and points to the distance while sending out a force of will.

This force of will manifests into the form of a rank ten ghost.

The ghost itself is dressed in a purple set of robes with an aura of malicious intent exuding from their somewhat transparent body.

In the ghost's right hand is a slightly damaged sword that is as wide as two fingers and measures at a length of 70 centimeters excluding the handle.

Within a split second this ghost is detected by the Celestial Spirit whose eyes let out a gleam of light.

Retracting their spirit senses the Celestial Spirit immediately breaks into a run to head towards the ghost.

Appearing in front of the rank ten ghost in almost an instant the Celestial Spirit maintains his speed and continues to charge towards it without stopping as he swings out a fist!

Looking in the direction of its attacker the ghost raises the damaged sword in its right hand.

*BOOM!!!!!!* the thick wall of fog around the Celestial Spirit and the ghost is blown apart by the shockwave of the collision.

The fragile looking blade surprisingly doesn't shatter from the force of the Celestial Spirit's punch.

As for the fist of the Celestial Spirit the sword didn't even managed to cut through it, much less make it bleed.

Withdrawing their fist the Celestial Spirit strikes out another punch.

*Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!! Klang!!!* repeatedly the punches of the Celestial Spirit are blocked off by the fragile looking sword of the ghost that holds it with both hands.


Ye Gui Feng looks on while manipulating the movements of the ghost to continue blocking the hits of the Celestial Spirit.

(With his current physical strength I would say that this Celestial Spirit will at most be capable of toppling a mountain.)

*Klang!!!* deflecting a hit the ghost goes onto the offensive as they take a step forward and cleaves down from above!

*Klang!!!* holding up their arm in the form of an X the Celestial Spirit puts up a guarding stance to block the falling sword but before the sword makes contact with their arm the ghost lifts up its right foot and kicks back the Celestial Spirit!

The force of the kick causes the Celestial Spirit's locked arms to be lifted upwards as they are knocked off to the side while the feet of the Celestial Spirit is lifted off of the ground.

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