If They're All Like That It Would Be a Damn Nightmare

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Upon Mo Xuan Yong and Yao Mu Ya leaving Ye Gui Feng gradually begins to relax his body as his air of a proper master dissipates.

"Ai... Having such great acting skills really does make me feel a bit bad sometimes."

Although he means what he says Ye Gui Feng never the less feels a bit guilty on the inside towards Mo Xuan Yong and Yao Mu Ya. But there is truly nothing that he can do.

In the present state of things Ye Gui Feng can only continue to maintain this lie while fearing the days in which everything comes crumbling down.

The start of a lie is easy but to continuously maintain a lie more lies must be stacked on top of it.

It is very much like filling a balloon with water until it inevitably pops and the moment it pops...

Only god would know how things will end then and this is Ye Gui Feng's main concern that he hopes he won't ever have to deal with.

In order to never deal with the inevitable balloon popping Ye Gui Feng can only strive to become as peerless of an expert as everyone thinks he is. The kind of pressure that this kind of expectation brings is unsurprisingly heavy.


Coming out from behind the inch thin wall that separates the living room from the bedrooms Xiao Ju Hong clears her throat a few times. No doubt she must have been trying to hold back her laughter while Ye Gui Feng is putting on that act.

"Ai you can laugh if you want now. They're long gone."

Choking out a cough before giving a light laugh Xiao Ju Hong walks over and sits down by the side of Ye Gui Feng.

Momentarily Xiao Ju Hong's expression turns stern as she begins to speak.

"There are some things that I want you two to keep in mind and never forget. If there ever comes a time in which you are faced with the disagreements of many when making a decision then I want you two to ask yourselves if the things you are d-doing is- Kuh... Hahahaha!"

As she is saying these things her expression gradually turns twisted and before she can completely quote the things that Ye Gui Feng had said to both Mo Xuan Yong and Yao Mu Ya Xiao Ju Hong laughs loudly without holding anything back.

Upon hearing Xiao Ju Hong trying to repeat the words that he had said to the two Ye Gui Feng lowers his head in embarrassment as he blushes red to his ears.

"Y-Your acting skills are truly peerless. I really d-don't understand how you're able to k-keep a straight face when saying these sorts of things like it's completely natural."

Through laughter Xiao Ju Hong speaks as Ye Gui Feng grinds his teeth together before raising his head to suck in a deep breath of air.

"Enough. Quit making fun of me. My acting skills are something that I had refined with time so they're naturally peerless. It would be strange if those two are capable of seeing through it."

As Ye Gui Feng's acting skills continue to improve with time he can naturally tell what a person is feeling just by the subtle changes in their expressions or the light in their eyes.

From both Mo Xuan Yong and Yao Mu Ya Ye Gui Feng can only see a genuine sense of respect towards him in their eyes the moment he said those words to them.

However due to the reaction from Xiao Ju Hong Ye Gui Feng really has no time to feel proud of himself for saying these words of motivation that seems to have come from a wise sage.

"So regardless of how much time passes this courtyard will always remain the same?"

Clearing away her laughter completely Xiao Ju Hong says these words with a light smile.

"Yeah. And if it isn't kept the same I'll make sure to beat those two along with those who joined in to change this courtyard."

Any other place in the Yao family can experience a change but this is the one place in the Yao family that Ye Gui Feng wishes to never change because this is the home of him and Xiao Ju Hong.

Even if the landscapes of the Yao family transforms into the same one that they are familiar with in their time period Ye Gui Feng hopes that this part of the Yao family will still be there when they return.

Most people might want to live in a bigger home or live in a place that looks luxurious as a means of showing off but as the two got accustomed to this sort of living environment they became attached to this mundane sense of living that gives them a peace of mind that is far from the harshness of the actual cultivation world.

"You're going to the Chi family's domain tomorrow?"

"Yeah. There's no telling where that Sha Luo Blood Sword might end up in our time period so I want to acquire it as soon as possible."

"Will it take long?"

"I've no idea. Hopefully the weapon spirit of that sword won't be as..."

Reminded of the Goddess of the Night Ye Gui Feng can't help but frown a bit. In the end he really didn't know what to think of their relationship ending as strangers who just so happen to pass by the other.

"*Sigh* let's just hope it won't be as much of a headache that other one..."

Considering how long the Sha Luo Blood Sword has been in existence it must have already developed a weapon spirit of its own.

The existence of a weapon spirit will definitely make this matter troublesome to deal with.

What is generally agreed upon by the vast majority is that the more powerful the weapon the pickier the weapon spirit it will have as they have a natural sense of pride in themselves.

With that being the case Ye Gui Feng can only hope that the weapon spirit of Sha Luo won't be as difficult as the Goddess of the Night in terms of personality.


(Why do I get the feeling that all of Ming Xiu Ya's works and the weapon spirits that these works produce will... All be somewhat eccentric?)

Maybe it is because first impressions never go away but Ye Gui Feng can't help finding himself imprinting the Goddess of the Night's face onto all of Ming Xiu Ya's works.


Recalling his memories with the Goddess of the Night Ye Gui Feng's expression turns sterner by the second until a bead of cold sweat rolls down the side of his face.

The vast majority of those memories can't be considered anything decent and fond to look back to.


As the thought of meeting a second Goddess of the Night appears in his head Ye Gui Feng felt absolutely terrified as he sits there blinking his eyes in a dumbfound manner.

But Ye Gui Feng's thoughts didn't end there.

Considering how famous Ming Xiu Ya had been he must have made a large number of works in his lifetime. If all of those works survived till this day then...


Thinking of the possibilities to encounter a third or even a fourth Goddess of the Night causes Ye Gui Feng's expression to turn into that of extreme shock and horror as he sucks in a breath of cold air.

The idea of obtaining Sha Luo suddenly becomes less appealing to Ye Gui Feng as a nightmarish image appears in his head.

Within this image Ye Gui Feng sees an entire landscape filled with weapon spirits that all look like the Goddess of the Night.

This image looks absolutely horrifying to Ye Gui Feng. To him this image looks like the true depiction of hell itself.

(If they're all like that it would be a damn nightmare...)

A shiver runs down Ye Gui Feng's back as he sincerely prays that not all of the weapon spirits produced by Ming Xiu Ya's works are like that as he can't even begin to imagine the headache of dealing with that many Goddess of the Nights. 

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