A Fragile Reason and the Immortal Dreams of Eternity

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[...Is it for her sake that you wish to become stronger?]

With a serious gleam in his eyes Yao Mu Ya nods towards Ye Gui Feng's question.

For the sake of another person Yao Mu Ya wishes to become stronger. That is a noble reason and similarly that is the same reason as to why Ye Gui Feng also cultivates.

Having lived in this world for so long Ye Gui Feng has come to realize that there is no better means to protect those that he treasures more than to stand at the summit of this world and look down at everything from above.

To protect the future that he desires he must have power and that is why Ye Gui Feng cultivates. But as Ye Gui Feng grows more and more mature he has come to realize that that is such a fragile reason.

As a person grows older and older they gain more responsibilities that they must owe up to. At this point Ye Gui Feng can say for certain that it isn't just because of Xiao Ju Hong alone that he cultivates as there are other people in his life that he wishes to protect.

[Your reason to cultivate is very fragile.]

Hearing these words Yao Mu Ya can't help but to feel a sense of anxiety as he subconsciously takes a step back.

Cultivating for the sake of protecting one's most important people in life is a very fragile reason. What if the person that one wishes to protect passes away? What happens then?

Although one might not necessarily be cultivating for the sake of protecting just a single person alone they must have a single person in their life that they would wish to protect at all costs and if that person dies they would also choose to cross the Yellow Springs with them.

To Ye Gui Feng Xiao Ju Hong is the person that he would follow after to the Yellow Springs if she does pass away as he had promised to accompany her for all of eternity. Even if that eternity leads them to death he would follow after her without hesitation.

This leads to the question of who can say for a certain that they are indestructible and will last until the ends of time? Even if there is a person out there that is indestructible that is just them alone. What about the people around them?

Before they had come to this time period Ye Gui Feng had realized that even if he cultivates to the summit of this world there is no point if he is the only person standing up there.


A light of irritation towards living flashes within Ye Gui Feng's eyes.

The image of seeing himself standing on top of an ice and snow covered mountain alone without a single person by his side in the distant future causes Ye Gui Feng to feel a deep sense of sadness.

At that point-

(Would I also end up like her trying to find a place of belonging that has already vanished from this world?)

Having a deeper sense of understanding towards the Goddess of the Night's struggles Ye Gui Feng inwardly sighs. A weapon spirit is almost indestructible unless their conscience is erased or their main body is destroyed.

[I won't talk about what might happen if Chi Hua Yao dies before you. Instead let's talk about whether or not she will accept your confession.]

"A-Ah... This..."

The signs of uncertainty continue to increase on Yao Mu Ya's face.

[This is why I say that your reason is fragile. If she doesn't accept you then you would lose all your reason to cultivate.]

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