chapter 25.

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i was walking down the streets of LA , being happy as to where i am in life right now , until i saw a familiar face that i never wanted to see ever again ...

Nick ...

he started to walk towards me.
i began to panic & ran away.
but he was running after me.
i turned the corner of a building but found out it was a dead end ...
i turned around & found Nick inches away from my face.
"you run fast babygirl ..." he said , grabbing my arm & twisting it.
i winced in pain.
"but not fast enough," he smirked.
he quickly ripped my shirt & leggings off of me , me not being able to do anything because he was holding me down.
then he began to unbutton his pants.
"NO !! PLEASE STOP !!" i screamed.
i kept screaming & screaming.

"KAYLA ? KAYLA ?" i heard.
i woke up with my heart racing.
bryce was shaking me.
"kayla ? are you okay ?" he asked worriedly.
i touched my forehead & felt sweat.
"yeah ... im fine. why ?" i replied.
"well you kept moving & shaking in your sleep , plus you were screaming," he laughed.
"yeah , uhm it was just a nightmare ..." i mumbled.
"okay , well get ready. we're leaving to the airport in 2 hours," he said , walking back to his bed.
bryce was still shirtless , wearing his adidas pants.
i got out of my bed & cuddled up next to bryce.
he looked at me & smiled.
i smiled back.

man , i can't believe im leaving you ...


last night , i stayed in bianca's hotel room with her after kayla & i broke up.
surprisingly , we didn't have sex. yet.

i was on the way back to my hotel room to get a few things & then go back to bianca's.
i opened the door & saw all of kayla's stuff was gone.
i didn't question it because im done with her & she's done with me.

after i grabbed all of the stuff i needed , i walked out & saw kayla & bryce walking out of his room with kayla's suitcases.
they didn't notice me.
they just kept walking down the hallway.


"where you going ?" i heard a familiar voice ask down the hall.
i froze. i knew who it was.
bryce noticed too & shook his head.
he turned around to look at mikey.
"why do you care ?" bryce asked.
"i don't," mikey replied , turning away & walking the opposite direction from us.
bryce looked at me & i gave him a hug , starting to tear up into his chest.
"i know you didn't want to look at him," he whispered , rubbing my back.
i began to shake my head , still crying.
"it's okay , come on , let's go. you're gonna miss your flight," he smiled.
i wiped away my tears & nodded.
we got in the rental car & drove to the airport.

"flight 364 to los angeles will be boarding in exactly 5 minutes," bryce & i heard over the intercom.
"that's me," i smiled , on the urge to tear up again.
"be safe out there okay ? & remember to text me whenever , & i will answer," bryce said.
i nodded my head & he pulled me in for a long , tight hug.
"kayla , i love you," he whispered.
"i love you too bryce," i replied.
he pulled away from the hug.
"no , kayla. i love you." bryce said , staring into my eyes.
i had to do it.
i grabbed his face & slowly kissed him , he kissed back.
it's been so long since ive felt his lips on mine.
he grabs me by the waist & pulls me closer to his sculpted body.
we pulled apart & his face was in so much shock.
"what ?" i blushed.
"i didn't think you would ever do that again ..." he said , still with his mouth partially open.

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