chapter 26.

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^^ guys i will forever love this picture of bryce , he's so cute omg 😩😻.


man , our new house was huge.
i am going to miss my home state but california , you gon treat me good.
my mom had half of the house done but she wanted me to finish the other half since she'll be at work all day.
i ran to our half finished living room & sat on the couch.
i couldn't stop thinking about tayler.

why was he here ?
why won't he even make eye contact with me ?

i understand what i did was wrong but he really can't stay mad at me forever ...

i decided to text tayler.

me : tayler , im sorry for everything. i want to talk this out ... can you please meet up at my house in an hour ?
*sends address*

tayler : alright fine .

wow , i didn't think he was going to agree to that.
i asked my mom if i could have tayler come over.
"mom , can tayler come over ? he's in LA."
"okay , but remember -"
"mom im not going to do anything with him."
"you better not. anyways , here's $20. if you two get hungry , order a pizza or something. i have to go to work."
"alright , thanks mom. bye."

& after that , she was out the door.
i ran to my suitcase to change into a pair of black leggings & a t shirt & then i began to set up my room.
my bed , dresser , tv , etc. were already here so i just needed to decorate & unpack my clothes.

after about 40 minutes of me unpacking & folding my clothes , the doorbell rang.
i immediately ran down the stairs to go open the door.
tayler stood there with his hands in his pockets & not making any eye contact with me as before.
"hey," i said.
"hey," he replied.
"come in. the house isn't quite done yet so sorry that everything is messy," i apologized.
"it's cool," he replied walking in & plopping himself on the couch.
i sat down beside him.
"so look , im sorry i didn't tell you about getting beaten up by nick. i mean i was unconscious so i couldn't really tell you & i knew you'd worry. same reason for the other stuff ... going on tour with the guys , dating mikey , all the drama ive been going through , getting shot -"
"whoa whoa whoa whoa , you got shot ?! kayla !!" tayler interrupted.
"yeah well ..." i said in a high pitch voice.
i explained to tayler about everything that happened on tour ... even about mikey & i breaking up.
"kayla i don't want you keeping secrets from me anymore ... it already hurt our friendship once," tayler sighed.
"soooo does that mean i get a second chance ?" i squealed.
"yes , but only because i missed you," he smiled , giving me a hug.
i hugged him back , but tighter.

how did i go that long without talking to tayler ? the one who was always there for me.

then i suddenly remembered that day.
the day him & i kissed. the day i found out he cut. the day where it all changed between us.
i don't know if he still feels that way ...
i don't know if i still feel that way ...
what is wrong with me ?!
the love of my life just broke up with me , i kissed my ex & told him i loved him , now i don't know the feelings i have towards tayler ?!
i can't choose.
i don't even know if i have a choice.
i want to say im done with mikey but i don't think i am ...
bryce hurt me in the past , but throughout everything , he still liked me.
& tayler was there for me through it all , but him & i fell apart. i know we made up but i don't know if we'll become close again like before.

why did i have to meet these boys ?

"kayla ?" tayler snapped his fingers.
"sorry , i zoned out. i was thinking ..." i replied.
"about what ?" he asked.
"n-nothing. so you wanna help me finish up the house ?" i asked , changing the subject.
"yeah sure," he replied.
tayler & i began to dump out boxes of stuff & ended up finishing the rest of the house.
after about 4 hours of unpacking & decorating , tayler & i laid on the couch , cooling ourselves off.
"hey , want a water ?" i asked tayler.
he nodded.
i trudged myself to get up & walk over to the fridge to grab tayler & i a water bottle until i heard my phone buzz.
my heart began to beat fast.
my phone was sitting next to tayler & i had no idea who texted me until ...
"kayla , why did bryce text you 'hey babygirl. you never facetimed me when you got home' ?" tayler questioned.
"oh , well ... uh ..." i stuttered.
i didn't know what to say without messing up.
"are you & bryce dating ?!" tayler began to raise his voice.
"what ?! no !! i don't know why he called me 'babygirl' !!" i yelled.
"what happened between you & bryce that you didn't talk to me about ?!" he yelled back.
"nothing ..." i lowered my voice.
"wow. okay," tayler scoffed , walking to the door.
"tayler wait," i said.
he stopped & turned around.
"bryce took me to the airport & he ended up telling me that he loved me. then we kissed. i don't know it just happened. i guess it was in the moment ... im sorry ..." i sighed.
tayler gave me a stern look.
"kayla , i don't know how much i can take with your lies," he mumbled.
"tayler just please. from now on , i will never lie to you again," i begged.
"look , im just going to think about this & then get back with you ..." he sighed , before opening the door & walking out.
i let out a big groan.
i then walked over to the couch & let my body fall on top of it.

how did my life start so good ... but end up so bad ?

i got startled by my phone ringing.
bryce wanted to facetime.
i was not in the mood but i accepted it anyways.
i faced my phone to the ceiling so bryce wouldn't see that i was upset.

"hey kayla , watchu doing ?"
"nothing , just cleaning the house. what about you ?"
"eh , just chillin in the hotel room. oh so i have something to tell you , it's kinda important."
"yeah wassup ?"
"soo i overheard mikey talking about flying over to LA to talk to you about some things ..."
"what ?! what things ?! & why does he have to come here ?! there's something called facetime !!"
"i know , i know but he wants to talk in person. trust me , i don't know why he didn't do it before you left but he might be flying over there."
"what the actual fuck ?! ugh okay well bryce im gonna go."
"okay , text me later."
"i will," i said , before ending the call.

i tried. i tried to get mikey back after i nearly died for that guy & he rejected me.
now he wants to come back & talk ?!
this is ridiculous.

i then hear a knock at the door ...

hey guys !!
im absolutely sorry i haven't updated in like a week & a half.
ive just been busy & lately , i haven't felt like myself.
so many bad things have been happening to me & they cause me to become slow & behind on things.
im sorry this chapter isn't the best , it's cos im rusty atm but the next chapter will definitely be better !!
please vote & comment !!
thank you guys sm !!

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