Part Thirteen | Tiger Lily, The Secrets, and The Rescue

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Hey guys! Please follow my dear friend @PeterPansxNeverland here on WattPad. Her Instagram is Peterpansneverland. She has amazing Pan/Ouat theories. I totally recommend checking her out. She is one of my favorite people on the planet. I'm so blessed to have met her.

Enjoy the chapter!

Third Person POV


Eden woke up with a fright as she ungracefully sat up, examining her surroundings. Her eyes widened with fear, her heart beat becoming quicker as she realized she had no idea where she was.

"Do not fear." Someone said from behind her, making her jump. She hoisted herself up, looking the person in the eyes. It was a woman, not a pirate or Hayes like she expected it would be. By the looks of her, the woman, a part of a tribe. Eden furrowed her eyebrows, looking around the dark messy tent she was in for answers.

"I know. You're confused, but don't worry. I'm a friend." The woman said with a kind smile. She extended her hand, waiting for Eden to shake it.

"My name is Tiger Lily." Eden looked at her hand, silently judging whether or not she trusted this Tiger Lily. She did kidnap her, but after all, that was how she got to NeverLand in the first place. Eden slowly reached out, shaking Tiger Lily's hand.

"I'm Eden." She said to her, but Tiger Lily only chuckled.

"Yes. Yes, I know who you are. We have been waiting a very long time for you." Tiger Lily's words confused Eden. How did this woman know who she was? And why was she waiting for her? It was all very unsettling for Eden.

"You were waiting for me? I don't understand." Eden said cautiously. Tiger Lily only nodded her head, unfastening the tent flaps. She turned back to Eden, her wooden bow and arrows slung over her shoulder.

"Come with me and you will." Though her words were vague and untrustworthy, Eden didn't feel like she had no choice. Unhurriedly, Eden followed the woman out of the tent, the NeverLand sunlight, as dim as it was, filling her eyes. She squinted her eyes, the instant harsh sunlight leaving her in a moment of blindness before her vision cleared. Her brown eyes widened momentarily. There were nearly thirty others staring at her as she exited the tent. As Eden stood there, her eyes scanning over the tribe, Tiger Lily grabbed her arm, pulling her out of her state of surprise.

"They are only curious. We have become so used to seeing the lost boys. It surprises them that there is a girl on the island." Tiger Lily said, giving Eden a small smile.

"Why am I here?" Eden asked after a moment of silence. The woman sighed, looking around herself cautiously to make sure that there were no lost boys around. Heaven forbid Pan had found Eden so quickly.

"I brought you here to show you this." She said, her voice low and husky. Tiger Lily slowly pushed back a few branches, revealing a small cave entrance. Eden was pulled into the dense clearing by Tiger Lily, who fixed the branches so the cave couldn't be found.

"This is one of the only things on the island that not even Peter Pan knows about. It has been protected by my family for years." Tiger Lily said, stepping into the cave entrance. Eden was both cautious and confused as she followed Tiger Lily into the cave. If Pan didn't know about it and the Indians were protecting it, that must mean it was special.

"Why is it so important to protect this cave?" Eden asked, her voice echoing through the cave. Though it looked little from the outside, the cave was dark and deep. Tiger Lily struck a torch, light filling the dark room.

"This is why. Look." Tiger Lily replied. Eden knitted her brows together, sauntering closer to the torch so she could see. Along the walls were ancient scribbles, writing from centuries ago. It was in multiple languages, both old elfish and even a language only the fairies and warlocks were able to translate.

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