Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 –

I woke up to a crying Gienna. I groaned and covered my ears. Then I realized, this isn't a dream. I shot up and saw Gienna standing by the door with Hunter, crying and barely unspeakable.

"He.. and.. he.. wh-wh-where's... Annabelle?" She asked. I hopped up and put on some clothes before walking over to the front door.

I rubbed my eyes a little and walked over to Hunter and Gienna. I patted Hunter on the chest telling him to go in the room. I grabbed my best friend and brought her over to the living room.

"Gi, slow down. What happened?" I asked. "Do you want anything?"

"Wine." She said, still not understandable.

I nodded and went into the kitchen. I went in the top cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. I brought it to the living room and set it on the table.

"OK, now tell me what happened." I said to her, pouring the wine.

I handed her the cup and she swallowed it all down, demanding for more. I poured another glass, along with my glass and sat back.

"I walked into the apartment and I saw that Sam was there. So I called out for him but I didn't get any response." She started. Oh, this isn't going to end good. "Then I walked into our room.. and... h-he and sh-she were in the room."

She started sobbing again when I asked another question. "Who is she?"

"KIMMY." She blurted out and started crying again.

I was in too much shock to even comprehend what was happening. Hunter had passed by and before he could completely walk pass, I grabbed his arm.

"We're going to their apartment." I whispered in his ear. He nodded and gave me a kiss by my ear.

"Gienna, calm down." I said softly. "Come on, get up."

"Where are we going?" She asked, calming down a little.

"Places." I smirked.

"Oh gosh." She sighed.


Hunter, Gienna and I were now in the car on our way to her apartment. Gienna was falling asleep in the back while I was in the passenger seat next to Hunter holding his hand.

"What exactly are we going to do when we get there?" Hunter whispered softly.

I turned to look at him. "I don't know, but she's hurting and I hate seeing her like this."

Hunter glanced at me for a split second before turning back to look at the road. "You're too good for me." He said.

I smiled at him before looking back out the window. I honestly had no idea what I was going to do. But I wanted some clarity from Sam. We had finally made it to their apartment and I was the first out the car.

I told Hunter and Gienna to stay in the car, but if I needed anything then I would call Hunter. Gienna gave me her keys and I went up to her apartment. I heard two people going back and forth and I'm sure it was Sam and Kimmy. I opened the door and barged in, seeing the two arguing in the living room. When the door opened they had saw me and stopped talking.

"Annabelle, I-" Sam started but I held a hand up stopping him.

"I don't want to hear it." I said, emotionless. "I honestly thought you were the best thing that happened to her. Maybe I was wrong. No, not maybe. I was definitely wrong. Do you know how hurt she is? Seeing you with Kimmy is like me seeing Hunter with ... Kimmy."

"Kimmy," I turned to her. "You're a skank. A true, dirty down skank. I've never met  someone so trifling as you. I'm the only one who actually saw through your hoe ass shit."

Once I had finished my speech I headed to the door but Sam grabbed my arm. I pulled away from him and looked up at him.

"Annabelle, you know I love her." He pleaded.

"If you loved her, you wouldn't have fucked the girl she hates the most. You're just as dirty as her." I spitted.

I was half way out the door before Sam said "Tell her I'm sorry." I slammed the door and headed back down to the car. Hunter was waiting out the car and when he saw me, he stood up straight.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I basically told them off and he told me to tell her he's sorry." I sighed.

"You're not going to tell her, are you?" He asked.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. "She's probably going to be staying with us for a while, if you don't mind."

"It's fine." He said hesitantly. I saw a flash of uncertainty in his eyes but it quickly faded with blankness.

I gave him a questioning look but decided to drop it. I had a long day and I wasn't in the mood to start an argument with him. I got into the car and the car ride back home couldn't take any longer.

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