Chapter 17

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It's been about week now since I broke up with Hunter and I've honestly been doing okay. 

After breaking up with Hunter that day, I drove back to my apartment that afternoon and packed up all his things. I knocked on his apartment door and got no response so I unlocked it with the key I still had, placed everything inside along with grabbing my very few belongings and then locked the door back and slid the key under the door. 

My next stop was Gienna's apartment. I gave Gienna the same forgiveness I gave Hunter but told her I needed space. 

Now, I'm packing to go to the sex camp today. It's located in Saratoga Springs, NY which is close to Albany so about a 3 hour drive. I don't really know what one is supposed to pack for a sex camp so I'm packing basically nothing but lingerie and some normal everyday clothes. 

I have no idea if Hunter is going or not but I do know that even if he does, I will be doing my own thing. I plan to learn whatever I can and I did some more research learning that singles were welcomed. Everyone had to come pre-tested of any STDs/STIs and to bring condoms even though condoms were also provided. Whoever was single would be paired with another single after filling out a survey. This survey was used to match two people together who would seem to be a good match. I'm not sure how much I trust this but whatever, I'll just go with it. 


I finally made it to the sex camp. It was at a mansion sized house in a very secluded area. I parked in the driveway along with all the other cars, took my bag out my car and then walked up to the door. I knocked twice and the door was opened by a woman who appeared to be in her mid 40s. Before arriving, I received an entire orientation package in my email which stated what to bring. She welcomed me and then asked for the paperwork. I handed her the paperwork and then continued into the house. 

The inside of the house was all white and there were a few paintings on the wall. It definitely seemed like no one lived there on a daily bases. 

"So almost everyone is here, we're just waiting on a few others but then we will get started with introductions and such. My name is Katie and I'll be here the entire time if you have any questions." She said as she led me to another room towards the back of the house. "Please enjoy some refreshments while you wait."

I replied thank you before she walked away and stood there just looking around. My eyes were jumping from one place to another trying to grasp the space. There were a few people in the room and I could see some people outside in the back by the pool. I spotted the bar and went straight for it before I began socializing.

As I approached the bar, I sat down and waited for the bar tender to come. The wait wasn't very long because I then saw a man begin to approach me. He was muscular but not too big and he had dark brown hair with dark green eyes. He asked me what I wanted and I said a mojito with Kettle One and fresh mint.

After I got my drink, I headed outside. It was truly a beautiful day out and the pool made the view even better. I sat beside the pool drinking my drink right as someone walked up to me tapping my shoulder. I whipped my head around and saw this beautiful man. I was a bit taken aback and he must have noticed because he apologized for startling me.

"Oh no, you didn't scare me. Sorry." I stammered. "My name is Annabelle."

"Mine is Gabriel." He said. Gabriel's features were so soft but sharp. He stood at about 6'1, had dark brown hair and eyes, a fine jaw line and was fairly skinny but I can tell there's more under his shirt. 

"So what brings you here?" I asked. 

"I was about to ask you the same thing." He chuckles. "One of my best friends signed him and myself up. He's off somewhere probably acting a fool."

I laughed a little and wondered if I should tell him the truth. Fuck it, why not. 

"My ex-boyfriend actually signed us up before we broke up." I said, taking a sip of my drink. 

"Then this should be interesting for you, huh?" He smirked a little. "No worries, I'll keep your mind off of him."

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