Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 –

I was settled in my room after being interrogated by basically my entire family. I heard a knock at my door and told the person to come in. Sebastian walked in and sat on the bed beside me. He was the only one who had walked away after the news so he was probably going to be asking me questions now.

“I don’t want to know how it happened, when, where or why. I could care less.” He started off. “I just really want to know what possessed Hunter and Gi to do that. You’re engaged to him and she’s your best friend. More importantly though, are you ok?”

I sighed and sat up beside my brother. I leaned on his shoulder and nodded. “I think I'm OK. I don’t really know. I’m pretty numb right now honestly.”

“Well you can’t run away from it either.” He said.

“I know but I didn’t know what else to do. I rather them be in that apartment except for me.” I said. “Plus you’re here anyways so I feel safe.”

“Alright fine, just get some rest.” He said before getting up.

Sebastian left the room and closed the door behind him. My phone started to ring and I already knew who it was. After I left the apartment, Hunter and Gienna have both been calling me nonstop as if I’m going to answer either of them. I decided to turn my phone off after the ten hundredth call I got today.

Once I turned my phone off, I turned the television on. There was nothing really good on TV so I put on some random channel and eventually feel into a dark sleep that felt like everything.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. I hope my mom was making them because she makes the best buttermilk pancakes. Why go to iHop if I have her? I got out of bed and went into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face before going downstairs.

I went downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen except Sebastian.

“Good morning guys, where’s Seb?” I asked.

“He left before we all woke up, I don’t know where he went.” My dad answered me.

“Weird but okay.” I said. “What are you guys doing today?”

“Probably going into town.” Mom answered this time.

“Your dad and I are going to Home Depot.” My uncle said. “The pipes in your sister’s bathroom broke.”

“She’s not my sister.” I snapped. “Why are you fixing it anyway? It’s not like she’s coming here anytime soon.”

Once I said that it got really quiet. Felt like dejavu. “No way, she’s coming here? When?”

“Today.” Dad answered.

“Why? What does she want now?” I asked, getting pretty upset. “She only comes when she wants something.”

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