Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 –

When I get back to my car, I threw my belongings in the trunk and sat in the front seat ready to put the car in motion before Sebastian grabbed my hand, keeping me from putting the key into the ignition.

"What?" I said.

"What happened up there? Are you ok?" He asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine." I said as I grabbed my hand from him, finally putting the key into the ignition.

I put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. Soon Sebastian, Lily and myself were down the road. The ride was awkwardly quiet for about five minutes until Lily decided to start questioning me.

"So Annabelle." Lily started, "Who was the hot guy leaving your building literally right before you? He seemed pretty pissed, and same goes for you."

Silence. That's what filled the car. I felt Sebastian glancing at me to see if I would answer but I kept my eyes on the road.

"Okay, or you could just not answer me, that's cool too." Lily said. "The least you could do though is put the radio on."

I didn't move at all for her request, instead, Sebastian did and put the radio on for her. I honestly didn't mind that there was music playing. As long as Lily wasn't talking, I was okay.

I wasn't really a huge fan of my sister. In fact, I could barely breathe the same air as her. As I said before, she was like poison. I'm honestly surprised that she wasn't the one sleeping with my boyfriend behind my back.

The music filled all the dead air between us since nobody was really saying anything. Some small talk was shared between Sebastian and Lily but that was about it. It took us about an hour to get back home and once we did, we all went our separate ways.

I grabbed my things out the trunk and went up to my room. Along the way I noticed that no one was home still.

Once I got to my room I sighed, throwing my bags on the floor and closing the door. I plopped on my bed and noticed that I haven't checked my phone all day. I guess now would be a good time for that.

I checked my phone and saw that there was a new message from Kimmy. I rolled my eyes, dreading the fact that I was actually opening the text.

"Hey! Noticed you haven't been around lately but I need to know if you're coming to Fara's dinner tomorrow or not." Her text said.

In all honestly I had completely forgotten about Fara's surprise party. I replied to her text saying that I was coming and then that was it. Neither of us tried to keep the conversation going.

I locked my phone screen and got off the bed, taking the phone with me towards the bathroom. I had a iHome in the bathroom for whenever I wanted to listen to music and take a shower. I closed the bathroom door, locking it and putting my phone into the dock.

I played one of my favorite playlists and turned the volume all the way high. I turned the shower on and put the water on warm. I stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower.

Within seconds it was just the music, the shower and myself. It was as if the outside world didn't even exist. Of course that allusion was over once there was a pounding on my bathroom door.

"What!" I screamed over the music.

"We're going out to eat! Let's go!" Sebastian yelled. "You have ten minutes!"

I sighed and began to wash quickly. I find it so funny how they send Sebastian up every single time. I guess they just know that he's the only one I will let bother me while I'm trying to get in my right state of mind again.

Soon I was out the shower and getting ready. I roamed through my closet finding a black pencil skirt and a white silk top. I wore a pair of red heels and threw my hair into a bun. I didn't bother putting on any makeup as I normally would. It was just another family outing that I know wont end well. Even my outfit isn't that extraordinary.

I came downstairs to find everyone sitting in the living room waiting for me. My uncle was pacing back and forth clearly being impatient. He's always had an issue with waiting.

Once everyone sees me, they all hop up. "It's about time Annabelle." My sister said.

I rolled my eyes and responded with a simple "suck my dick" and was scolded by mother for using such profanity.

I decided to take my own car, by myself of course, and follow behind everyone else. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone especially since they ruined my shower that was supposed to drown my sorrows.

I turned on the radio and Ellie Goulding's pure and beautiful voice came blasting through the speakers. It was Explosion, one of my favorite songs. My car was drowned with Explosion and once the song finished, we were at the restaurant.

I turned off the engine and grabbed my purse, getting out the car. I followed my family into the restaurant and we were seated in about two minutes. I sat across from Sebastian and next to my mother at the end of the table. My father was on the end and my uncle was on the opposite end. Sebastian was next to Lily, thankfully.

The waitress came by introducing herself and asking us what we wanted to drink. I ordered a simple strawberry Dacari knowing that I was going to need one drink for this random family outing.

"So Annabelle, I heard you went to your apartment today." My mother says taking a sip from her Coca Cola.

I glanced over at Lily, raising my eyebrow. "Yes mom, I did." I answered simply.

"Annabelle, don't you think it's a little too soon to see Hunter." My mom questioned. All I could think is 'no shit mom' but I would never disrespect my mom like that.

"I didn't necessarily expect him to be there." I said. "I mean it is my apartment. I just needed a few things."

"Ok." She paused. "So when are you going to go back?" She tried to ask that in the nicest way possible but I could read right through her.

"Diablo, mom, if you don't want me staying with you guys I can leave." I snapped. "It's not that fucking hard."

"Annabelle." My dad snapped. "Watch your tone."

"No!" I exclaimed. "You two are so fucking open to having Lily here but I can't? You're acting like I'm the child who basically robbed you and neglected you guys. I don't even know why I came to this stupid dinner. I'm not even hungry."

I pushed my chair back, standing up and throwing forty dollars on the table. Enough for my drink and a tip for the waitress. I was out of that restaurant so quickly that I think I skipped a heartbeat.

I don't know why but lately I've been extremely snappy and have lost any patience for this bullshit. My family is trying to push me to get over something that takes time healing from. I don't need to be pushed I need to be comforted. They're so concerned with Lily that they're not even realizing that something's going on with me. Maybe I am jealous. I'll admit it. Maybe I do miss Hunter. I'll admit that too. I want to forgive Hunter and Gienna. No doubt it'll definitely take me a while. I have such a huge heart that I can't believe what I'm about to do.

Once I reached my car, I knew my next destination. Now I just hope everything goes to plan.

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