30.5K 758 35

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Luna Hana is officially at 9.5K reads, over 500 votes, AND MOST EXCITING: Hana is currently ranked #739 in Werewolf! This is the first time Hana or any of my works have had a rank, and I'm so happy I could almost cry. It's not top 10 or even top 100 by any means, but it seriously means the world to me. Thank you all for all the love <3  (UPDATE: Since originally posting this, Hana has made it to #171 in Werewolf AND has been featured! YOU ALL ARE INCREDIBLE!!!) 

If you're a new reader, please continue to read, vote, and comment! I love all of it so much, and I really love reading all of your comments!  Also, Luna Hana was entered in the Watty's 2017, so your votes and comments help a lot in that aspect as well!

If you haven't already, please give Luna Lena and Luna Audrey a read as well! You might just see some brief encounters with some of your favorite characters ;) Also, Luna Zahra will be written once Lena's story is complete (Luna Zahra's Prologue has since been posted - check it out!)

Seriously, thank you all for all of the follows, for adding my stories to your reading list, for voting, commenting, and just reading in general. This may not be one of the most popular stories on Wattpad, but the fact that it's gotten this far makes my heart warm!

xoxo -V

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