Almost but not quite

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We just sat there, shoulder to shoulder on the edge of the stage hanging our legs off it. He pulled my legs onto of his lap and pulled my body closer to him.

We both looked at each other and smiled. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine. It was like they were jic saw puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. Our lips moved in sync. Suddenly his tongue slip along my bottom lip. Our tongues intertwined while his hands made their way to my waist and my hands roamed through his soft hair.

He leaned me down so now I was lying down on the stage. He was straddled above me. I pulled any even though it was so passionate. "Nath no" I said. "What?" He asked. "I can't do this not now, it was amazing but I can't do it here" I whispered. "Yeah, I'm sorry"," No don't apologise it's fine" I said.

"We won't do anything if you don't want to okay?" He asked. "Okay" I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. We stared into each others eyes. Then we fell into a peaceful silence.

"What are you guys doing?!" A voice hollered. It was Tom. "We eh... Tripped and fell" Nathan said helping me up. "That's not what it looks like" he said. Fuck! "It's true eh... Nathan pulled me up onto the stage and we tripped and fell" I said. I'm such a bad liar. "Okay well hurry then we're leaving." He said walking backstage. I walked forwards when Nathan pulled me back by my waist and lifted me up. "Nath!" I screamed.

He put me back down and our fingers intertwined. We got our stuff and hopped on to the bus.

We got home and decided to watch a movie. I had never seen Avatar so Jay insisted we watch it. I was on the two seater when Nathan came in with two cuppas and sat down beside me and handed me one. "Thank you" I smiled.

"Thanks for getting me one Nath" Max

said. "Your not special" he said smiling at me. I blushed. The others gave each other weird looks and went back to watching the movie.

We finished it and started a new one. I was starting to get tired. Before I knew it I was so tired and my eyes were drooping. I gave up and lay across Nathan resting my head on the couch when I fell asleep.

*next morning*

I woke up on the couch with Nathan's arms around me. We were both lying down on the couch. He was pressed up against me and one of his legs was over mine. We're were spooning? Oh my god.

I turned around to see him already staring at me. "Mornin" he said. " Morning" I whispered. " I don't want to get up" I moaned. "You don't have to" he said kissing my cheek.

I eventually got up and checked my phone and logged into twitter. I checked my mentions when I saw

@TomTheWanted @ElleTheWanted @NathanTheWanted awwh the babies are cuddling (picture)

It was a picture of me and Nathan from last night. Shit. The comments were crazy some good some bad

Awwh cuties #Nelle

When did this happen? Are they dating?!

They'd be so cute as a couple

But me and Nathan weren't dating. We had feelings for each other but we haven't even been on a date. And we haven't said that were boyfriend and girlfriend.

I think I'd like that but... What if he doesn't?

Sorry! Soppy chapter! Next one will be longer and some drama will be in there! Please vote and comment what you think! :) x ~ Ellen

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