Drunk nights and finished albums

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Me and Kelsey were still up watching movies and eating when suddenly the boys came back.

They all stumbled into the sitting room and collapsed on the floor except Nathan who collapsed onto me. How was he even drunk?!

"Nath? Are you drunk?", "Elle! Elle! NOO!!" He screamed. "Nathan shhh I'm here" I said laughing. I put his arm over my shoulder and clutched onto his waist to pull him upstairs. "Elle don't tell anyone but I might be drunk" he slurred. "It's okay Nath we're just gunna bring you to bed" I said trying to make sure he didn't trip. "That's so nice! I love you!!!" He said smiling. Oh my god he is really drunk. "I love you too now let's get you into bed" I smiled. I tucked him in and went back to my own bed and fell asleep awaiting the amount the cranking boys I'd have to deal with in the morning.

* Next Morning *

I was up and everyone was still asleep until I went downstairs and saw Kelsey in the kitchen. "Heya" I yawned. "are they grim?" I asked. "Not yet they're not even up" she sighed. I made and ate my breakfast before deciding Nathan needed to be woken up. I made a cup of tea, a sausage sandwich, some water and panadol.

I walked into the room. He was fast asleep. It was adorable. Until my phone went off and he moved. "Awwh my head" he moaned. I put the food down and sat next to him. He pulled me towards him and rested his head on my chest. Yeah those. "Nath what are you doing?" I said. "They're comfy" he said."and my head hurts" he whinned. I gave him is tablets and food and he started to feel better.

"How were you even drunk Nath?". He looked up at me. "I may have gotten a fake ID" he said. I was so mad. Does he not know how dangerous that is?! Especially when he's in the limelight? I just made a face. "I'm sorry" he sighed. "Was I bad?" , "No actually but I had to bring you to bed and carry you up the stairs while you were screaming" I laughed. "Oh god what did I say?" , "I told you I was bringing you to bed and you were like 'that's so nice I love you'" I said. His faced dropped. "And what did you say?" He said nervously. "I said I love you too" I said blushing.

"I think the drunk me let's out my true feelings" he sighed. I was shocked but so so happy. I wanted to jump up and down on the bed. "it's too bad I feel the same then" I said. His face lit up. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah" I smiled. He pulled me into a kiss. " I love you" , " I love you too"

I was overjoyed. I couldn't believe it but it was true and it felt like fate.

We went to the studio that day to record the last song for the album called 'Golden'. The lads were grim. Like so bad.

And we try,

And we fall,

And we live another day.

And we rise like a Phoenix from the flames,

And it burns but it turns out golden

Max sang it.It was amazing. It's practically about our journey becoming a band. A world wind but by the end it was well worth it.

Even after a rough night he sounded amazing.

"And there we go guys, our album is done" Jayne said as we all started jumping around. We all started throwing water at each other! I got Tom, Tom got me. Max poured nearly a a whole bottle over Jay who got Siva. Then Seev got Nathan. Who god not me. He came running towards me. "Nathan no!" I screamed. He poured a whole fecking litre bottle all over me. "I'm going to kill you. Seriously, watch out" he just laughed it off. Oh you better watch out Sykes.

We decided we needed to celebrate. So we went to a club. I got dressed into a a red dress that just went to my thighs. Ugh I felt like a slut. I got down the stairs to see Nathan looking so cute in a blazer, chinos and hightops with his hair fringed out how I like it.

"You look stunning" he said. "No I don't I feel slutty" I moaned. "Well I think you look beautiful and you're mine so no one else can have you" he smiled taking my hand. "But in public we can't be together" I sighed. "In a club people won't notice" he said kissing my cheek as we made our way out the door.

We got the the club which was packed and incredibly noisy. We got our drinks and went to the VIP booth. Yeah whooo!!! Me and Kelsey went to dance and we acted like pure maniacs. It was hilarious. We got another drink and when I got back to the booth I saw something disgusting. A tall skinny blonde with her hands all over Nathan. He looked so uncomfortable and you could tell she was really annoying him. 'help me' he mouthed.

I walked up and did something I never thought I'd do. I got my drink and poured it on her. "OH MY GOD!Why did you do that?!" She yelled. "Oh I'm so sorry my drink slipped" I said sarcasticly. She stumbled off to the bathroom. "Thank you" he said. "She was really annoying"

When we got home I ran upstairs. I was that tired. I got into my underwear and decided to just sleep in that. I was in bed ready to sleep when someone climbed in beside me. "You're really exhausted babe" he whispered. I turned around to see him in just his boxers. He cuddled up to me. "Yeah" I yawned. "Night love" he said kissing me. Then I risked it.

" I love you"

"I love you too"

Hope you liked it!! So they really do love each other <3 yay! But something might go wrong in the next chapter. Please comment what you think, fan and vote :) x

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