Home time

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Keep calm Elle keep calm. "Hi I'm Elle" I smiled. "Oh yeah you're in that new band right? scooters managing you?" he said. Oh my god he was so beautiful I just want to squeeze his cheeks and feel his hair. I bet it was soft as hell. "Yeah The Wanted" I said. "Cool well I'll see you around then" he smiled. Wow. Fucking me and jb just had a conversation!!!!

I walked back to my room and fell fast asleep. Flipping jet lag.

I got up the next morning at a reasonable time. It was early but some of us were up. I banged Jays door down first. "Someone's in a good mood" he said opening the door. "It's so early! I'm not meant to be up now! At home it's nearly lunch!" I said. I stayed in Jays room for a while until the rest of the boys came in. Nathan came in last. "Mornin'" he said kissing me. He seemed a bit off. Just ignore it Elle.

We were going out for a walk to look around. Nathan linked my hand in his and we walked down the corridor. "Elle?" he asked. "Yeah?" I said checking my phone. "Did you think I forgot?" he asked. "No" I smiled. We got into the car and he kissed me. "Happy one year anniversary " he smiled. "You too"I said kissing his cheek.

*beep beep* Nathan's phone went off. He checked it and looked shocked. "Who's that?" I asked. He looked at me still dazzed. "No one" he said. Ugh I hate when people do that! It's obviously someone!! Nathan started to daze off for the rest of the car ride and even when we got to scooters office. I didn't really pay attention in the meeting I just played on my phone. No one noticed. I'm a pro at that.

"Okay guys let's go home" Jayne said. "Thank you lord normal time zone here I come!!" I jumped up and down. She laughed. We were up at the desk when someone poked my stomach. I knew it was Nath. "Don't touch my flab" I said in a weird voice. He chuckled. "It's not flab" he said looking at my tummy. "Sttooppp" I said holding my stomach. Jayne slapped the back of his head. "Oww!" he screamed sounding like a girl. "You don't do that to your girlfriend!" She said. He slowly came up behind me and pulled me close. "Cause your amazing just the way you are" he sang. "And when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while." He sang. "Come on do it" he smiled. I smiled. He enveloped me in a huge hug. "You're beautiful Elle and I love you so much" he said. "I love you too" I smiled.

He suddenly pulled out a little red velvet bag. "Open it" he said. "Nath we said we wouldn't get presents!" I said. "It's for something that you already have" he winked. I opened the bag to see a beautiful silver teddy bear charm. "Nath it's gorguss" I said. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Of course I like it" I smiled. I wear my bracelet everyday. I feel like it gives me luck when performing but also when I look at it, it reminds how much he means to me.

We got home late that night and I went straight to bed. During the night I felt someone snuggle up beside me. "Elle?" "yeah?", "are you awake?" he asked. "No I'm asleep obviously" I said sarcastically. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

I woke up the next morning to see he wasn't there. Unless I was dreaming and he was really in his own room. I walked down stairs to see Tom watching Jeremy Kyle. "What's it today?" I asked. Me and Tom fan girled over this TV show. Literally. "He says that his wife had sex with that guy and now he doesn't think their baby is his" he said. "So now they're getting a DNA and lie detector test" he said. "Oh my god a two in one!" I said literally jumping onto the couch beside him.

Suddenly I heard the door open. I went into the corridor to see Nathan. His hair was all messy and he looked like he had been out all night. "Hi love" he smiled. "Hiya where were you?" I asked "you weren't there when I woke up". he scratched his neck like he was lying. "Oh yeah sorry babe I just needed some fresh air so I went on a walk" he said taking off his jacket. I looked at him suspiciously before he kissed my cheek and headed upstairs.

Suddenly I heard a noise. *beep beep* Nathan's phone was on the table. It was a text. Should I check it? I don't want to be an annoying girlfriend but should I?

Sorry short chapter! Next one will be longer! Please comment what you think guys! I want some opinions! The book will be ending soon unfortunately! :( comment vote etc. ~Ellen x

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