Nice to meet you baby

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I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. I'm never drinking again. I can't even remember past when I told Max to ask Lauren out.

I did however wake up to find a similar arm around me and a bare chest against my back. I was still in my outfit from last night. And still had my makeup on. Ew I hate that feeling afterwards. I slowly released his arm and got up trying not to wake him. I left the room and made my way back to my own room.

I was about to go into the bathroom when I bumped into Jay. "Morning sunshine" he laughed. "Shhh.. Too loud" I hushed him. He chuckled to himself. "Rough night?" he asked. "No amazing night... If I can remember it" I said frowning. He laughed as I walked into my room. I got out of my outfit and put on a huddy and trackies. My hair was wavy after last night. I liked it. I went into the bathroom and took off my makeup and brushed my teeth.

I walked out and went to the kitchen to see Max and Tom doing a twitcam. "Oh look who's up!" Max shouted. "Too noisy... Let's all try be quiet" I said putting up my hud. "Sorry princess" Tom said. Even that was loud. I made some wheetabix because all my coco pops were gone and a cuppa.

I went over to everyone on the couch and max beside Max. I leaned into him and held my head. "Awwh the baby had a good last night but now she's tired" he said doing his good boy voice while rubbing my ear. "Mmhhhmm" I nodded. I waved to the camera. "Sorry everyone I'm just wrecked after last night" I said my voice sounded all crackly. "I wonder what she was up to" Tom winked. The computer went crazy. "I would pour this over you but it would be a waste of good tea" I smiled. He chuckled. Suddenly Nathan came in SHIRTLESS yeah shirtless with a pair of trackies on. His hair was all messy. Fuck me. "Mornin'" he said scratching his neck. "You doing twitcam?" he asked. Twitter went crazy. Literally everything was 'OMFG NATHAN HAS NO TOP ON'.

* Nathan's POV *

I walked in to see Elle and the boys doing a twitcam. Elle's hair was all wavy and she was in a huddy and trackies with a cuppa in her hand. She looked adorable. She was the most attractive especially in trackies. I made myself a cuppa when I got a text.

Unknown: one more day Nathan, then you know what you have to do or else suffer the consequences.

I have to make this day the best one ever.

* Elle's POV *

Nathan checked his phone and came over like nothing was wrong. He sat down and kissed my temple. I smiled back. I started to read the tweets out loud. 'Let's see your abs' from a fan" I laughed. Tom grinned and lifted up his top to show his perfectly shaped abs. Max did the same and then all around the boys.

It was kinda awkward for me. "Come on Elle" Max laughed. "What?" I said. Nathan poked my tummy. "No" I said. I was exercising a lot recently to get a nicer tummy and legs. "Come on" Nathan smiled. I made an awkward face. Suddenly arms grabbed me and lifted me up. "Ahh" I screamed. It was Jay. He lifted me up and Nathan started to lift up my top. "Nath stop!" I shouted but I couldn't stop him because Jay had my arms. He lifted it up and pointed to it in the camera. "Fuck" Tom said poking it. "Stop!" I said squirming out of Jays grip and twisting around. "And that's a lovely bum too" Nathan laughed. I sat back down quickly and huffed. Nathan pulled me into him. It was a bit overwhelming. I embraced his scent.

He lifted up my face and kissed me. I kissed him back and it went back and fourth until Siva said. "We have to put up with this on a daily basis" he said and we realised the camera was on us. Thanks Seev.


At lunch I wanted to go out for a bit so me and Nath decided we'd go to Starbucks. It was a little walk but we didn't mind. He rested his arm over my shoulder as I put my arm around his waist. He kissed my head. I was really happy until we turned the corner and saw loads of paps. "Fuck" I mumbled. "What love?" he asked. "Nath I'm in a huddy and trackies and I have no makeup on" I said. "Elle stop you look better without makeup on" he said.

We walked hand in hand as they all flashed their cameras in our faces. Fuck sake here I understand fans but serious grown men doing it like that a bit ...

We got into Starbucks. I got a caramel macchiato and Nath got a latte. While waiting for them we just chatted. "You look cute today" I said pulling down the sides of his beanie. "Cute? seriously? am I not manly at all?" he asked. "Sorry sid" I joked and we started to play fight. "You could be a girl sid I swear" he said poking me. "I don't mind that except for the way it makes me sound stupid" I laughed. "Well..." He laughed. "Stop it you!" I joked. He leaned down and kissed me. That's when the paps went crazy outside. We got our drinks when I got a call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Elle? sweetie are you near home? Hun I'm going in labour I need you to .... Owwwee" mum said.

"Shit okay mum go to the hospital I'm coming okay!" I said hanging up the phone.

"Mums going into labour" I said looking at Nathan. "Okay let's go come on then!" he said taking my hand. I slowed down. "Elle? come on" he said. "I'm gunna be a sister" I said. I was so shocked right now. It didn't feel real.

We raced to the hospital and got into the maternity centre. "Hi eh is Judy Mc Dermott in labour I'm here to see her?" I asked. "Yes she is you may take a seat" the nurse said. We were waiting for a while before I stood up and went to look at the new born babies. "I can't wait to see her" I said. "I know" Nath smiled kissing my cheek. "How many do you want?" I asked. "Like 2 or 3" he said leaning his head on mine. "I need at least a boy and a girl" I smiled. "But not now" I shrugged. No way now.

"Elle Moore?" the nurse called. I looked over at her. "You can come see her now" she smiled. I practically ran down the corridor until we reached a small room. I slowly walked in to see my mum holding a tiny baby in a pink blanket. "Hi sweetheart" she smiled. "Hi" I smiled walking in. I slowly got down beside her and saw her tiny face. Her eyes were closed. Her tiny hands and fingers were squeezed up. Her nose was like a little button. I rubbed her hand before it wrapped around my finger holding on to it. "Mum she's gorguss" I said holding back my tears. Nathan came in beside me and leaned over. He took some pictures probably for twitter.

"Do you want to hold her?" she asked. "Yeah" I cried. "Hun why you crying?" she said. "I'm just so happy for everything right now" I said wiping away my tears.

I had gotten my dream of being in the music industry. I have a beautiful new baby sister who is absolutely stunning and a boyfriend who I love and who I know won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

My mum slowly placed her in my arms. I looked at her beautiful face and kissed her head. Nathan leaned in over me and said "she looks like you" he smiled. I chuckled a bit. Mum started taking pictures of us together holding the baby but I wasn't paying attention.

"Hi Haley, it's so nice to meet you, I'm your big sister"

Hope you liked it! What's going on with that text Nathan got though?! Hmm... The next chapter may be the last one...maybe. I hoped you liked this one please comment what you guys think! I value your opinions! Thanks! Vote comment etc. ~ Ellen x

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