Chapter 15

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Dear Newt,

Congratulations on the idea for a petition, that was genius! Although you are right a large percent of the magical community doesn't care at all about magical creatures, which could make it really hard to get 20 000 signatures, but I know you'll think of something Newt. You always do.

If you ever wanted a meet a real Pukwudgie, I could take you to Illvermorny. We have a Pukwudgie mascot there, his name's William. I think you would like him.

You're brother's dinner date sounded hilarious, I wish I could've been there.

Tonight Queenie dragged me to this party at the Blind Pig, and you know how much I hate parties, but Queenie has this gift of getting people to do what she wants so I ended up going. I wore the necklace you gave me and I don't know if it was just me, but I felt more confident just by wearing it. In fact I managed to talk to someone and make a friend. Her name is Mary and she is super sweet and nice, Mary works in Alchemy and showed me how to make a Gillywater out of Wormroot, Gillyweed, Spring water, Alcohol and Physics. It was very interesting, and it tasted delicious. So I ended up having a fantastic time, thanks to Queenie and your gift.

I suppose you're philosophy does have some truth in it Newt, Worrying indeed means you suffer twice. Worrying about the party was the only suffering it caused me.

Me and James, (the lad who's helped me with the Graves case) are going to see the President tomorrow about interrogating Betty Graves on the whereabouts of her brother, she's up to something my animal instincts are tingling.

Everything has been quite normal here, although a few days ago Queenie got mugged by a homeless man after visiting Jacob's bakery. Luckily Jacob was still there and saw the whole thing, he fought the man off and brought Queenie back home to me. I must admit he cares for her greatly and they seem like the perfect match. It's a shame he had to be obliviated, we all need more men like him in New York. Anyways Queenie was a bit shaken up but she's fine now.

Do you have any plans for New Years?

Hope you're doing well,

-Tina Goldstein

"Well? Well? What'deyd she say?!" Hazel pestered her son as he read Tina letter.

Newt (completely ruptured by Tina's letter he did not hear his mother's begs) smiled softly as his eyes crossed the tidy scrawl of Tina Goldstein, he was glad to have heard that she had made a friend.


a few days ago Queenie got mugged by a homeless man after visiting Jacob's bakery. Luckily Jacob was still there and saw the whole thing, he fought the man off and brought Queenie back home to me. Thank goodness for Jacob, Newt thought. He couldn't imagine how Tina would feel if she had lost her sister.

"Newt I'm counting to three...!"

Me and James, -...Wait James?! That's not a girl's name!


So... this man has been helping Tina with the investigation? How does she know this guy? He could be dangerous


He could be a murderer, he could take Tina away from Newt-


Newt jumped at least 2 meters off the ground realizing his mother was right next to him.

"Oh, sorry mum, here." he handed her the letter embarrassed both because of his thoughts and he had been ignoring her.

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