Chapter 19

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Dear Tina,

This afternoon we had the court debate. I must say it went pretty smoothly, Harold was just fantastic and we succeeded in making excellent points. We had an excellent chance of convincing the jury, until... well one of the lawyers began to provoke my mother and, well she snapped to tell the truth. Started yelling and ranting at the lawyer, and our judgement with the judge and jury sank. It wasn't her fault though, she was being tormented.

I am glad I could assist you in your case, Merlin knows what could have influenced her to do that. You may say me wrong but from what you've told me of her, I do not think she can possibly not feel remorse for what she has done.

The book is going quite well, I haven't had much time to work on it as Harold had us up all night reviewing Hippogriff facts and practicing what it would be like in the courtroom. (Theseus helped out too, he was the judge. Although he did get a smidge persistent with the gavel and my mum had to take away his "gavel privileges") I hope this case will end soon so I may finish the book and return back to New York to deliver your copy.

I hope you had a splendid New Years with Queenie and your friends.

Wishing you best on your mission to locate Graves,

-Newt Scamander

P.S Dougal came up to me in the case while I was writing this and gave me a small bundle of flowers from my mother's garden for you. He hopes you like them.

Tina smiled reading the letter, she digged her hand into the envelope and pulled out three slightly crumpled irises (as it had been handled by a creature), and one neatly placed white lili.

She admired the flowers, the irises had obviously been from Dougal. But she knew in her heart that the fourth flower came from Newt. Tina held it up to her cheek and breathed in its sweet scent.

She never planned on meeting someone like Newt before, Tina had convinced herself that she would be the working sister while Queenie would go off and enjoy her life. She never thought of herself to be the one to fall in love, but yet here she was.

Out of the two Goldstein sisters Tina had always been the most protective and headstrong, after their parents had passed the two girls were left alone being passed along between different relatives until it was time for them to attend Illvermorny.

When Tina first arrived at the grand estate she fell immediately in love with its tall towers, large classrooms and expanded grounds. Tina was chosen by the Thunderbird wooden statue during the sorting ceremony and she couldn't be prouder. She was determined to do well in her studies and make her parents (wherever they were up there) proud.

Of course she was never that popular with the other students, she would get teased for her "abnormally large name" and once Queenie arrived it only got worse.

Whispers would follow her as she walked down the halls

"Can you believe that girl is Queenie's older sister?"

"No way!"

"I heard she corrected Professor Montgomery during the history lesson what a know it all."


"Not at all like her sister."

"Maybe she was adopted or something."

Those words haunted Tina as she slept and gashed her heart, of course Queenie did her best to make her sister feel appreciated, and tried to introduce her to some other students. But the whispers would follow her everywhere, some days she wished she was more beautiful and friendly like Queenie.

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