Chapter 31

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The ride home was extremely awkward. I sat in the back seat with Eliza while Peyton drove in complete silence. We searched through our Nike bags for the matching pink Elites we had bought, and put them on with a smile.

I could see Peyton cringing in the mirror and I suppressed a giggle. I don't understand why she was acting so sad earlier, but now she just seems to be plain annoyed!

I rummaged through the middle console for a pair of scissors. Peyton shot me a dirty look, but continued to drive without a problem. When I found what I was looking for, I began to cut all the tags off my new Nike sportswear and collect them in a pile in my lap.

I was so obsessed with my new galaxy print Nike Pros! They were absolutely gorgeous, and would look so cute with a plain white sports bra. They were a bit on the pricey side, (Nike charged $10 more for the patterned shorts) but they were definitely worth it. I could only hope that they weren't see-through like my white pair of Nike Pros! Those were super cute because they matched with anything; but at the same time, you could totally see sweat stains through them.

Just then Peyton stomped on the breaks, and Eliza and I lurched forward into the seats in front of us.

"What the hell, Peyton?" Eliza asked, her face reddening with anger.

Peyton looked sad. "I... There was a puppy. I didn't want to hit it." Eliza seemed to calm down at that, and led it slide that Peyton had left a giant red mark across her cheek. When she pointed to it, I only shrugged in reply.

"What are you gonna do?" I mouthed back. Eliza laughed and leaned backwards in her seat.

"So, ladies." She said with a fake British accent. "Worlds is coming up next weekend," she cleared her throat, "I just checked my calendar app. My mistake! I had previously said two weeks." I rolled my eyes at her. "But anyways, I think that we should go to the gym more often for open-tumbling and stunting and conditioning classes. Oh! And flexibility classes." She added.

I nodded in agreement. Peyton ignored us, and took a sip from a water bottle sitting in the compartment up front.

"Actually," she said with a hint of annoyance, "we're supposed to be dieting. But I can see that you two aren't taking that very clearly," she took another sip from the bottle.

"But you just said that dieting was lame and useless at practice yesterday!" I argued. Jeez! Peyton was beginning to sound like a Jamie clone.

"Fine! Suit yourselves! I'm going to get a spray tan that will bring out my abs," Peyton replied. I looked at Eliza, but she didn't seem to be catching on. Something was happening here between Jamie and Peyton. Whatever it was, it making Peyton act like a totally different person. So I had to find out what it was.

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