Dedicated to...

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A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to give you guys a few suggestions for some other books to read if you are interested in books such as my own! My friend Jack is writing a story that he recently started called "Dark Skies." It's both an amazing and tragic story, and very heart felt for me especially since I know him personally, and he's like my brother. So you should definitely go check that out and help him get more reads and votes! Thanks guys, I love you all😘

Also, this story is dedicated to the most amazing coach I've ever had during my five years of cheerleading. Tyler, you're tough. It's the truth. You make me work until I feel like I'm going to pass out. But I push myself for you. I push myself the absolute hardest I possibly could, to please you. Because you are my motivation. You are my inspiration. You're absolutely perfect. You aren't just amazing- you're perfect. Every skill you execute, every pass you throw, every thing you do, you never fail. Because you are strong and dedicated. Tyler, you've proved to me that the work is worth it. I cherish every practice with you, every cheer camp, every tumbling clinic, every class. I love your jokes and your obsession with hairspray and your facials, and the way that we sing cheer music out loud and scream "YAAAS" when somebody lands their tumbling pass. You are my true inspiration.

And I'm sorry that I missed your birthday a few days ago, but happy birthday to you, too. Thank you so much for always being there for me and pushing me as an athlete to really reach for the stars. I'm so happy that I perfected my punch front today, thanks to you! Next step is on floor! So excited!

Oh, and, GOOD LUCK AT WORLDS THIS WEEKEND! You and the rest of ECE i5 are going to kill it! You deserve the gold! Ilysm, Tyler. 💙






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