Partners In Halloween >> Antoine "Trip" Triplett X Reader

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Title: Partners In Halloween

Paring: Antoine "Trip" Triplett X Reader

Warnings: fluff, humor, undercover missions, Halloween. 

Spoilers: nope!

Requested By: DarthXarra 


When you first heard of the assignment, you had been a little miffed, but didn't argue it. Not that you had any social life around being on Coulson's Team and your hardcore Netflix bingeing around your work as a sharpshooting spy. And not that it was just a Halloween outing – there were bad guys out, and you were dressed to impress your friends and distress your enemies. Well, not quite yet. Here you were, trying to fit as many microphones, trackers, guns, and grenades under a Wonder Woman costume. Thankfully, it wasn't the skimpy old one from the comics, but the radical one from the recent movie, with that fantastic skirt. Because of Coulson's awesomeness, or perhaps unlimited resources, you had a near-replica of the outfit.

"Wow," you heard from the doorway. "I had no idea it was a couple's costume."

Standing there, was Antoine Triplett, decked to the gills in his Cyborg outfit, all the pieces of it right, down to the last plate of armour. From what you could tell, Skye had even rigged up a sort of contact lens that glowed red, and, knowing the resident Hacktivist, it probably had a camera on too.

"When did Wonder Woman ever get with Cyborg?" You huff, trying your best to attach a tracker to your midthigh. It hid nicely under the skirt, but it was that damn lasso of truth that had you working harder to clip it on. "C'mon...can you spare me a hand?"

He chuckles, and makes his way over to you, bending to attach the pieces together. "Hope we don't have this much trouble on the mission as you are with that tracker," he comments, looking up from where he's kneeled beside you. "There," he grinned, and standing, added, "Coulson sent me to say we're out five. See you there, partner."

It's all over and done in five hours, but in that time, you've hijacked two cars, crashed one party, ran away from the Canadian federal police, and somehow managed to expose the fraud and money-laundering through a HYDRA associated front to the world, where they used alien lifeforms to create priceless items to sell against international law.

But yes, when it's all over five hours later, and Trip and yourself are both standing sweaty in the middle of the bust, covered head to toe in a mixture of fake snow, fire-extinguisher fluid, and alien-sourced mucus, your heart starts to slow, adrenaline fading.

He looks at you with a grin, the bad guys being carted into the Bus. "Great working with you, partner." He beams. "It's been one hell of a day."

"Okay, I'm Sherlock, you're H-Holmes..." a drunken guy shouted from a street party, dressed up in a ratty black jacket and a tilting wig.

"Asshole!" another guy yelled out, shouting at a brick wall.

Beside you, Trip laughed into his Ghostbusters collar, where the microphone chip was hidden. "Please tell me I wasn't the only one hearing those boozers go off." He chuckled, glancing to you with the biggest smile on his face. "Anyone?"

From your coms unit, you heard Simmons snicker, and what sounded like a small whack. "You can find anyone like that anywhere when they've had a whole day to down that much." May intoned on the line, serious as ever. "Just find the idiot we're after and let's get home." She huffed, and then in a lower voice, "I hate Halloween."

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