Place Your Hand In Mine >> Loki X Reader

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Title: Place Your Hand In Mine

Pairing: Loki X Reader

Warnings: snark, angst, fluff

Spoilers: this follows the plot of Thor: Ragnarok so yes I guess so 

Requested ByXxFanfictionMasterxX (sorry it took so long, life has been so hectic!)


To be honest, you expected to die in New York City.

The Invasion of aliens seemed like the biblical end of times to you while in the moment. You were just a secretary working downstairs in the Stark building, but when you had a glowing blue weapon to your face, you thought, this is it. I'm going to die. It wasn't glamourous, it wasn't fancy. There was no rise in crescendo of a soundtrack, no hero to save you. When the alien was about to stab you through the heart, it faltered, and fell to the floor. According to the news, that happened across the city, and it was then you broke down.

No less than twenty-four hours later, you handed in your resignation, took the cash bonus, and moved across the world to a small town in England where nobody knew your name, and no crazy out-of-this-world stuff had happened. It was nice. You became a volunteer at the local home for the elderly, worked on community happenings, found peace.

You had gone into London for one day. One day. Iris, the resident nonagenarian wanted you to fetch an heirloom from her great-great-great grandson who lived near Greenwich. But it was on your walk to his apartment – not thirty feet from his doorman! – that you fell into the abyss.

That's how you ended up on Sakaar.

It's not like you had a run of good luck ever in your life. You remember the week that you got the job at Stark Industries, and within two days, you finally got the courage to break it off with your abusive ex. You try to tell yourself that after all this bad luck, the good will come.

But while you're saying that, you're also wearing strange clothes, eating strange foods, on a strange non-earth planet, and trying to tip-toe around an age-old megalomaniac who makes aliens fight to the death in an arena. You're not a big fan of the Grandmaster, but, for some reason, instead of making you a slave like the rest who fall through to this wasteland, he's made you an attendant of his courtiers.

"My lord," you bow.

In your hand is a tray with the drink you were asked to fetch for the Grandmaster, and with an elegant hand, he takes it from the tray, wordlessly. While you love not sharing words with any of these aliens, it's become a matter of life and death around the Grandmaster to use your words, and you don't want to become a puddle upon the floor.

"Is there anything else my lord desires?" You ask.

He spares a glance to you, eyes lazily trailing over your face. He sighs, and says, "I have a new member joining us later today, my dear." He glances to Topaz, and adds, "I'd rather like it if you could make sure he is outfitted accordingly."

The last time you aided a new courtier for the Grandmaster, it was a woman with pink skin and purple eyes, and she was draped in chains for one of his parties on his ships. You felt terrible, sending her off to him. Perhaps you'd have to do that again.

"Yes, Grandmaster." You nod.

Tucking the tray under your arm, you retreat from his private area in the arena. You were a plain human girl, and whenever the courtiers had you in their sights too long, they'd clamour and joke about how much they'd like to have you. You supress a shiver, and go to find another servant, who will have the orders you're to be given.

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