Chapter 28: The Mysterious Figure

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(Breaking Benjamin- Evil Angel, soundtrack for this chapter).

Gohan POV

As we got up to the top we saw a mysterious figure shadowed by the trees it was under, I searched for ki as I was certain there was no ki besides mine and Videl's I sensed when we arrived, I focused my mind at the location I could see the figure but I couldn't sense anything not a single droplet of ki from him, well that settles it, this guy wasn't normal.

I walked towards him and asked him "Hey we need that ball you're holding, um could you give it to us?" I said slightly unnerved by how edgy he was and he had a very strange presence to him unlike any I've seen before.

"Heh heh heh" I heard the strange man sound as his dark cloak started to seem heavily influenced by non-existent wind.....

"Videl, step back, I have a bad feeling about this guy," I said.

Some large wings spread out which were similar to the wings of King Kai from what Dad had drawn anyway......

Although the wings were similar in shape in terms of size they were a lot larger than what my Dad drew King Kai as.

The figure was surrounded by a purple aura with a glossy black aura outline around his body.

The hood on his cloak fell down revealing long black hair like the hair of a god......if god was an emo....

Hise narrow eyes widened and shined red from what seemed to be his aura, he slowly raised into the sky while in a god-like pose, it seemed like this man had a god complex.....and I thought Light was bad.

His back arched suddenly like he was straight out of a horror movie and that was when I felt his power, I couldn't sense his ki at all but the power he held was hard to deny as it sent a rippling force throughout the air and shook the ground we tread.

"Gohan, what is that?" Videl said blinded by the wind pressure.

"It's him, he's strong watch out" I replied.

Feathers started to grow on the man's wings from thin air as they gradually filled his wings.

A feather flew off his wing and sharpened, it dashed quickly and before I knew it, it was before me, I dodged it on fear of its possible power but it scratched across my loose gi above my shoulder and the next second that part of my gi had disintegrated completely erased from existence.

I looked at him directly.

"What are you?" I said seriously.

"You want an explanation? Fine I'll give you one, you're pretty familiar with the Kais, right?" The man said.

"Yeah and what of it? Don't tell me you were a kai" I answered.

"Oh no, dear boy I'll get to that, well since you know the Kais you'll know they aren't exactly fighters so who do you think had to keep the peace between the otherworld? There were four guardians who represented each of the North, South, East and West Kais, time passed by and the barrier became unbreakable so King Yemma and the Kais decided that the guardians were unnecessary and wanted to banish them and naturally them guardians re-butted against it as they didn't want their position taken of course. So what did they do? Try and banish us to hell 'for arguing against superior beings'! Luckily for us though, the North Guardian allowed us to retreat into the mortal world where we hid for over a millennia and in that time we studied extensively including all the planet's growth and of course that includes yours' and we found the dragonballs on Namek and your planet but to use these would require doing it over time which would mean to inhabit the planet and well we don't exactly look like Namekians and that planet is way too boring to inhabit." The man explained.

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