Chapter 37: Kita The Copycat

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A/N Well this will be the final chapter of this arc, hope you enjoy!

Gohan POV

So that's what he's been hiding, the ability to copy skills. Damn, that's troublesome. If only I knew how he does it, then I could take him out, but now, he's hitting what I throw at him back but harder. That needs to change. But for now, I'm going to have to manage without ki blasts.

I dashed at him quickly and locked his legs and headbutted him, causing both of our foreheads to start bleeding. I chopped the back of his neck and then elbowed the back of his shoulder, trying to do everything in my power to prevent his movement in some way. Got to think tactical like Piccolo, I snapped back his arms and held them whilst kicking his back forward, like that I rolled over him and tossed him directly to the ground head first. I followed him but was knocked back by an energy barrier.

"This was a useful one I copied a while ago from this rather troublesome guy who tried to escape from hell, amplified with my ki, it can't be shut down, there's one way to dispel it but well I won't keep it up anyway as I want to fight you properly" Kita said.

The barrier caved into him and he seemed to have healed from it, damn it and after all that. He rushed up and belted me in the stomach, which winded me badly. He followed up by elbowing the back of my head causing me to be planted on the ground, he stood on my head and kicked me over to face the other direction, he flew up and prepared what seemed to be another Masenko.

"DOUBLE GODLY MASENKO!!!" Kita shouted as two of the beams blasted into my stomach which left me coughing up blood.

Videl POV

Damn Gohan's losing, I don't suppose he has another form right? No, if he did he wouldn't let him get into a situation like this, guess this is it.

No, he's gonna fire another blast at Gohan! I ran over to Gohan and moved him out of the way of the blast, then I felt a boiling heat pass through me, it hurt, it really hurt. I fell to the ground and all I could hear was the thud upon landing on the ground.

"Oh look, someone, you couldn't save! Good job boy, now see if you can save yourself" I heard in the distance.

"VIDEL!!! NO!" I heard Gohan shout as he came running to me.

I was picked up and saw a teary-eyed Gohan, the tears ran down his cheek and dropped onto me.

"It's alright Gohan"

"Videl I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything to stop him," Gohan said.

I saw Gohan's hair flash weird shade of pink which was purple looking and some selected strands started to turn red, he's transforming again, good now he can beat him I'm sure of it.

"Don't be Gohan, look you're transforming, guess I helped, after all, granted it was by dying haha *cough* *cough*, you can beat him, and revive me with the Dragonballs" I said as my eyes started to shut.

The last thing I saw was being put down by Gohan and Gohan's aura burst. Heh, Kita's in for a treat. Then pure darkness.

Gohan POV

"VIDEEEEELLLLL!!!! How dare you?! How dare you?!l I screamed as Videl laid dead on the ground.

Kita POV

What the hell?! What even is that?! Unimaginable power!!! I can't beat this! Well, the least I can do is die fighting somewhat honourably.

Narrative POV

Gohan burst dashed at Kita, pressing his knee into his stomach violently, then continuing by pressing his hand on his chest and blasting him with a thin beam that knocked him back a distance.

"You know what, you're not even worth torturing, I'll just kill you now and get Videl back, but first give the two dragonballs in your pocket before I force them out"

"Yes, kill me, take the dragonballs, I cannot win," Kita said as he passed Gohan the dragonballs out of his pocket and got on his knees, waiting to die.

"Videl, this is for you," Gohan said as he walked out to Kita and punched his body then phasing his hand through with the use of afterimage.

Gohan lowered his aura and reverted back to his base form and put all of the seven dragonballs down on the ground in front of him.

"Shenron I Summon You! Grant Me My Wish!" Gohan shouted to the sky.

The large Dragon beamed into the sky as the sky plunged into darkness.

"State your wish" the large dragon's voice echoed.

"Revive the one known as Videl Satan!" Gohan said to the dragon.

Shenron's eyes gleamed red and a lightning bolt struck down.

"Your wish has been granted, state your second wish"

"Hold on a second, Videl! Come on we're reviving your father now" Gohan shouted to Videl who just got up from the ground.

"You did it then, just as I said," Videl said.

"Of course I did Videl, I promised you I would revive your father"

"State your second wish, I haven't got all day," Shenron said getting agitated.

"Will you do the honours?" Gohan said.

"Of course"

"I wish for my father, Hercule Satan, to be brought back to life!" Videl shouted.

Hercule was brought in front of us and immediately gave me a dirty look but then he saw who was next to me.

"Honey are you okay? He didn't do anything to you did he?" Hercule panicked as he rushed to Videl.

"Well he did, he took care of me and trained me while you've been gone"

"You went to live at his house?!"

"Yeah but please don't be mad, he brought about your resurrection because he felt bad and took good care of me and now I'm all kinds of strong!"

"I see, well thank you," Hercule said to Gohan.

"No problem, it's been a pleasure having your daughter around"

"Come to think of it, how did I get resurrected anyway?"

"Oh, Dad," Videl said as she embraced Hercule in a hug.

"Well I guess this is it for us, huh, well goodbye and if I never see you again, have a good life"

"Haha, what are you talking about? Of course, we'll see each other again, after all, I've got some questions for you to answer, but that can wait, we've both had a long week" Videl said.

"Yeah, we have"

Videl and Hercule got into Videl's jet-copter and took off as I watched in the distance.

A/N Well that's the end of this arc, as to why I did this, well I left you guys without a chapter for way too long so I've been working my ass off every day for a week to write all of these chapters, thank you guys a lot for following the story as you have, make sure to stay tuned for the next mini arc for it will be the last.

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