Chapter 20

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Silvette's POV

Classes, Eat, Council Work, Get Glared at by Marken, hang out with the girls, Eat, Secretly practice Enchant magick, working on "it", Sleep. And repeat.

This is my everyday. It's been a month and I'm pretty sick of the routine. Even though school is fun and Marken's drama queen phases are fun to watch I don't do well with constant repetition.

On the bright side me and Reina have decorated our main room, now it's an elegant looking tea room with bookshelves on every wall. I sigh, leaning back in my chair thinking about Reina. Even though we did our best, no matter what me, Haze and Reina did people seemed to view Haze as Evil and Reina as an adorable victim.

"Uggh~ Why does this have to be so harrdd" My self pity session was interrupted by a sudden voice at my window. "Well Rose, with you everything seems to be difficult!" I suddenly stand up and fling myself at the person standing in my window frame. "Staarrrr!!!" "Rosssee!!!" We cuddle for a bit then I pull him into my dorm room. "What are you doing here Star?" "Oh! Well for one, I came to see you and to give you . . . . This!" Star whips out a silver ring with a glowing blue gem set into it. As soon as Star took it out I gasped and my eyes widen. "T-thats a enchanted storage ring! How did you get it!?! There's only about 20 of those in the whole world!" Star, stuck his nose up in the air looking extremely proud of himself. "Well, I am the best thief in the world!"

"But still! Wait. Who did you take this from Star?" Star suddenly looked sheepish. "Umm . . . about that. So, you know the all powerful Wolf Emperor." I stare at Star for a moment "Oh. My. God. STAR. WHAT?!!" In this world, there were 3 major empires and so, 3 major Empresses/Emperors. The Dragon Empress, The Wolf Emperor and the Tiger Emperor. And, of course Star just HAADD to piss of the Wolf Emperor, who was known for being a loose cannon.

"Star. I can not believe you." "Yeeahhh . . . anyways, I'll be staying with you now!"

Oh boy here comes my wuxia loving pre-teen ass

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