Coffee and shocks

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Hello guys. Thank you for your comments and reviews. Now, it's time for me to upload another chapter. I hope you guys like it. Comment and vote.


Sasuke looked back to see a blonde girl holding out a box of chocolates. "Please accept my love." She said, bowing her head, thrusting the box into his face.

Sasuke frowned. "Look, I'm not interested." He said, deciding not to be too harsh to the girl. He turned back to his locker, trying to ignore the girl's tearful eyes. She ran away howling. He sweat dropped.

"You could have handled that better." Someone retorted. It was Kiba, walking towards Sasuke's locker along with Naruto and Shikamaru.

"Look, I don't have time for this. And it's getting old." Sasuke said, slamming his locker shut.

"Geez, and you'd think one would be happy with so much attention." Naruto grumbled. "I agree" Kiba said "I wish we'd have girls fawning over us."

"Meh, it all seems too troublesome." Shikamaru said, yawning. Sasuke hoped for a moment that Kiba's wish would come true but it didn't seem likely.

"Whatever, we have practice." He said instead.

"Looks like someone's excited to see the cheerleaders practice." Naruto wriggled his eyebrows. Kiba barked out a laugh.

"They're not a bad sight." Shikamaru shrugged with a sly smile.

"What the hell? We have a match with Cloud High soon, you could focus." Sasuke said, angrily. Were girls the only thing his friends thought about?

"Yeah, yeah, we know. Cloud High isn't even that big of a deal." Naruto said.

Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Hinata come to practice again since the party. She seemed to be avoiding him. He wondered if she remembered the kiss.

The kiss.

Sure, it had felt good but it was no reason to avoid him. She was just drunk was kind of understandable?

Whatever...he did not have time for this right now.

He stalked off to the gym with his friends in tow. They went to the locker rooms to change. "Why do they have cameras in the boys' locker rooms again?" Kiba grumbled as they stepped inside.

"I know; they make me so uncomfortable." Naruto said, creeped out.

"Probably because Vice Principal Orochimaru is a creep and likes spying on everyone." Sasuke sighed as he took off his shirt. The others started to strip as well and after a few minutes they were changed into gym gear. He walked into the gym to find the cheerleaders already practicing their moves.

"Hinata, you're doing great. I can't believe you made it to the top of the pyramid already." Ino cheered. "Yeah, those 15 years of gymnastics and martial arts must be useful." Sakura added.

Sasuke looked to see them praising a red faced Hinata as she drank water. "Ha,ha I still can't believe you kicked Karin's face though" Sakura laughed.

Sasuke raised his eye brow at this. Hinata looked a little sheepish as she said "I told you Sakura, it was an accident."

"Of course it was." Ino said, in a disbelieving tone but also laughing.

"Could you get back to practice please?" Temari, the team's manager said, coming up to them. "We're tired. And we want to see the boys practice." Ino said.

"I don't think they can practice while you guys are in the room." Temari said, looking over to the boys. Sasuke also looked at his team. They were practically drooling, looking at the cheerleaders. Sasuke had to roll his eyes. What idiots. Get over it already. So what if their dresses were short?

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