A rain of emotions

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Hinata spent the whole weekend in her room. She called her parents first thing in the morning and had a heated argument with the both of them on a conference call. She accused them of being unfair and horrible parents for doing this. This referring to her engagement. She also accused them of being the reason she had a difficult life before and now they had messed up her life even here.

The result had been an awkward Hiashi, an almost crying Hana and a yelling Hinata who hung up on them. They had called back many times but she never answered. She either wrote away in her diary or listened to songs. Neji had tried talking to her too but she kicked him out of her room. She honestly did not want to face him.

She didn't know why she was so angry. Maybe it was because she was engaged to Sasuke! She had been eager to meet her fiancé before it had turned out to be him.

The stoic jerk? The grumpy basketball player? The popular kid? The boy who gave her a much needed ride? The boy she had kissed while she was drunk? They guy who played video games with her in his room?

She shook her head...she was confused. She was also angry because the both of them didn't want this. Sure, he wasn't that bad if he tried but that was it. He did not want to try. He also was angry with this arrangement. And besides, he was right. They had to live like normal teens and it had been unfair of their parents to do that to them.

She ended up talking to Ino over the phone, telling her was simply angry because of some family matters. Ino had comforted her and it had helped but only a little.

It was Monday and she had to go to school now. She got dressed and walked downstairs, where Neji was still not dressed for school. He was pacing anxiously in the living room. He stopped when he saw her.

She raised her eye brow when he opened his mouth to speak. "Hinata, please forgive me. I know you're mad but I was helpless. It was never my intention to hurt you." He said, shaking his hands and moving towards her.

"Whatever Neji, it still did." She said, casting him a withering look.

"Hinata, I'm leaving for the exchange week. Please talk to me before I go. So if I die by any chance, it will be knowing that you forgave me." He begged.

Hinata's face softened and before she knew it, she was hugging him. "It's alright. Just stop being so dramatic" She said, smiling a little. He happily hugged her back, happy that she was so kind and thanking all those dramatic seasons he had watched.

"Anyways, I'll go to school now. Call me regularly and be safe." She said, kissing his cheek. He smiled and watched her walk out of the house. She now wondered whether she should call a friend or just take the subway when a car pulled up in front of her.

Wait a minute....was that? "Get in." was the command. Yup...it was definitely Sasuke's car Rai. Only he could be so demanding all the time. It was like the time in his room never happened.

"Why are you here?" she asked instead, glaring at him. Had Naruto sent him again? How? She had not even told him.

"My mother sent me to be your driver for the week or something." He said in a monotone.

"You actually agreed?" she asked, her eyes widening.

"Only because she's paying me a lot of money." Sasuke rolled his eyes. He didn't want to get her hopes up or anything.

"Of course." she said as she slid into the passenger seat. To be honest, he had agreed so his mother would stop nagging him on how as her fiancé it was his duty to help her out. Of course, there was money involved but he was already filthy rich, he didn't need any more money.

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