Projects and work

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"How far are you guys on your literature project anyways?" Sakura asked, leaning on Sasuke and Hinata's desk. Kakashi was late yet again, even on a Monday and everyone was talking or doing whatever.

"We've done two stories so far. We were thinking of doing a long combined story but..." Hinata said as she glanced sideways to an obviously uninterested Sasuke, tapping on his phone.

"Really? Have you decided the content and how long it will be?" Sakura asked, interested now.

"Not yet. But there were originally supposed to be a few stories." Hinata said, again hesitating to speak for both herself and Sasuke.

"Man, you guys are done with two already while me and Ino are still thinking of what should be done. I think only a few people have actually started with the project right now." Sakura said. It was true, despite being one of the smartest students, Sakura had not started the project. She and Ino argued so much.

She wistfully looked at the stoic boy next to Hinata, wishing he could have been her partner. Hell, anyone but Ino.

"I'm sure you guys will do good." Hinata smiled. She had been slightly annoyed with Sakura for inviting Sasuke without telling her but Sakura had apologized and everything had been alright again.

"So um, who's Ino texting?" Hinata asked as Sakura smiled.

"Oh." Sakura said, her expression becoming slightly worn. "She broke up with her latest boyfriend again. She's just finishing things up."

Ino did move through boyfriends a bit, didn't she? Hinata did not even know what to say to this so she let Sakura tell her whatever she was saying about her weekend.

"Ne, Hinata." Naruto's voice said, cutting Sakura off.

"Yeah, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked, feeling Sasuke's gaze shift to them both too.

"Can you tell Shikamaru to wake up? He's fallen asleep again." Naruto whined to Hinata.

"Tch." Sasuke said, annoyed at his best friend "Stop whining dobe."

"You know that no one can wake up Shikamaru easily." Ino said, joining them.

"Why the fuck is everyone hovering over my desk? You're cutting off the air supply." Sasuke growled. Where was Kakashi when you needed him?

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Kiba's voice said. Just what I needed, Sasuke thought.

"It's just how he usually is." Naruto said, glaring at Sasuke. Sasuke glared back. "Can you both stop making heart eyes at each other?" Kiba asked, grinning.

"Heart eyes?" Naruto asked, turning to him instead.

"Yeah, we know you guys are totally gay for each other so you don't have to hide it. Just kiss him. Those eyes are revolting." Kiba said.

"Shut your loud mouth Kiba!" Sakura said, punching his head.

"Ow! Look who's talking pinkie!" Kiba retorted back and soon Kiba and Sakura were immersed in their bickering.

"Naruto, you really went out of your way for Hinata, huh?" Ino said, grinning. The girls had gotten all the details out of Hinata as soon as she had come to school.

"Yeah, so what? She deserved it." Naruto said, smiling at Hinata.

"So you finally stopped falling for the annoying ones?" Shikamaru's voice spoke up.

"You're awake! Finally." Naruto said sighing in relief.

"Kakashi isn't here yet so I figured sleeping would be better." Shikamaru yawned. Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. He was walking out of this class if Kakashi wasn't here in....

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