A content summer

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Thank you everyone for sticking with me so far. You have been patient and now your reward is here in the form of this chapter. Listen to the song. It is awesome. It reminds me of Hinata a lot.

Dedicated to everyone who liked the story, gave me their views. To everyone who voted and commented. I love you guys. 

"Okay, everything ready?" asked Itachi as he sat in the backseat. There was no response from Sasuke, who was leaning against the window, asleep. Itachi smiled. Sasuke looked like a young kid when he slept.

"Drive please." He said to the driver. They were driving to the airport. Unfortunately, their father had booked them an early flight so Sasuke was still grumpy about it (he would never admit it). It was currently 4:30 a.m. and their flight was scheduled for 5:15 a.m.

Itachi looked out of the window, his phone in his hand. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He rechecked his list in his mind.

He had collected, arranged and read the necessary documents for everything three times. What else? He had remembered to bring his bento, which his mother had made. Was his suitcase there? Oh yeah. Perhaps he had better taken another look at the...

Izumi. He had told her he would text her in the morning before leaving. She would kill him if he forgot and he would surely forget so he took out his phone.

Hey. You're probably asleep. We're driving to the airport. I'll text you when we're in the states. Take care.

He smiled softly. That text seemed appropriate. He pocketed his phone, no longer in the mood for reading files. He had time to think. About himself. Izumi. Life.

But then again, they were all the same. Izumi was his life. No, it was not like he was obsessed with her (maybe a little) or his world revolved around her (slightly guilty) or he was eerily possessive. But she was the main focus of his life.

He had known it since he had first activated his inherited Sharingan eyes because of her. He had always thought she was beautiful and kind to everyone. But she was also more.

She was his first friend aside from Shisui. She was not an obsessed fangirl. She was smart enough to make it to the AP classes Itachi was in. She was a business wiz. She was funny. She was perfect.

He had realized he loved her. He still did. He loved her, adored her and cherished her. And he knew he always would. He had known he wanted to spend his life with her since they were 17, and he had seen her laugh so easily with him when no one else could.

He had seen her put him into his place when no one else dared. He had seen her sense his despair when no one else did. He had seen her smile at his notions about life when no one else understood. He had realized he loved her. Truly and deeply.

And he knew the feeling was mutual. He smiled as he thought of what he had been planning for a few months. He sighed and closed his eyes with his mind whirling around a single name. Izumi.

"Fuck." Said Sasuke as he tripped over his shoe lace as he walked like a brain dead zombie, being very sleep deprived.

"Sasuke, watch out." Itachi scolded lightly. Sasuke sighed. As if he didn't know that. He nodded anyway and tried to pay more attention to his surroundings.

What the hell? Was this the airport? Oh...right. They had a flight. Was that the plane? Finally...he could sleep there, right?

Damn...he knew he should not have watched that movie late night knowing he had an early flight. But it was his try at a rebellion. So far, his summer was the worst he had ever had.

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