Living with the Uchihas-Part 1

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"Sasu? Baby, it's dinner time." He heard his mother's voice as he opened his eyes groggily. He felt like he had slept through eternity. Shit. How long had he slept?

"What's the time?" he asked.

"It's almost 9. You've been asleep for hours." His mother informed him. She had let him sleep, seeing how tired he looked.

"I'll be down soon." He said, sitting up in his bed. The night light was turned on, no doubt by his mother. He walked into his bathroom and washed his face, now awakening properly. He ran a hand through his hair and straightened his clothes.

He put his slippers on and walked out of his room, walking downstairs. He glanced at the hall clock. It was 9 now. He walked into the kitchen, where his mother and Hinata were sitting on the table. Hinata had a bowl of soup in front of her and his mother was telling her something.

Hinata was laughing softly. She looked a lot better and even refreshed. Sleep had done her good too. Sasuke went and sat a few seats away from them on the round kitchen table, taking a seat on one of the puffy seated stools.

"Sasu, here's rice balls and onigiri for your dinner." She said, aware of the foods that were her son's favorite. There was also a glass of tomato juice near his plate. He nodded in acknowledgement and started on his rice balls.

"Hinata just woke up too. Both of you slept like logs." Mikoto said, amused.

"Well, we were kinda tired." Hinata said, digging into her food too, not at all shyly. She just realized how hungry she was.

"You weren't the one who had to carry her. She's heavy." Sasuke said impassively. That was not completely true.

"Are you calling me fat?" Hinata challenged.

"So?" he asked, smirking.

"So, you jerk, you're just too skinny and weak if you think I'm heavy to carry. And you don't have to carry me again." Hinata glared and turned away.

'Oh no she didn't' Sasuke thought, as he looked at her, surprised. Never had he been told he was skinny and lousy by anybody, be it boy or girl. What did she mean? He was super fit. He had muscles and...

"Now that's putting Sasu into his place. You go Hina!" Mikoto high fived her daughter in law (almost) and dug into her food again.

"Thanks for the support, mom." Sasuke commented drily.

"Yeah, no worries dear." Mikoto smiled and looked at the clock. Itachi and Fugaku would return very late. They had another meeting. Sasuke did not even ask about it while Hinata had asked before Sasuke's arrival, if they would be home for dinner to which she said no.

They ate in silence for a few moments. "I need to go to school tomorrow. I will miss a lot of work." Hinata said, to Mikoto, mostly.

"No. The doctor said you needed bed rest. You'll stay home." Mikoto said, going into mama bear mode.

"But I-" Hinata began when Mikoto cut her off.

"Sasuke can make notes and lend them to you. You guys share classes, right?" Mikoto said, not even bothering to look at Sasuke who almost chocked on his food.

"We do. 5 of them actually. And when we met Sasuke thought..." Hinata was saying amusedly when Sasuke cut her off this time "Fine, we'll share notes."

If his mother found out what he had done on Hinata's first day in school, she would never let him live it down. He could share notes if this shut her up.

"Fine. But I have practice on Friday. Saturday's the match." Hinata said. She was right. It was on Saturday and because it was the first match of the season, everyone was going to be there.

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