A new week

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To everyone who voted and commented. I love your comments and do keep commenting. Sorry for the late update. I had my final exams.

Hinata woke up to her alarm clock blaring loudly. She sat up groggily, to remember that it was Monday and she had school today. She hit the dismiss button on the alarm and stepped out of her bed. She walked into her bathroom for a hot shower.

After drying her hair, and getting dressed in her uniform, she walked downstairs. The housekeeper was back and was serving breakfast.

"Good morning Hinata-sama." She said as she spotted Hinata.

Hinata acknowledged her with a smile.

"Breakfast is served, would you like me to call Neji-sama?" she asked. Hinata shook her head. 'If he's tired let him sleep in' she thought.

"That won't be necessary." A voice said from behind Hinata. Neji stood there, fully dressed and smiling. "Morning Hina."

"Hey Neji." She said as they both sat down for breakfast. The maid excused herself and Neji nodded before turning to Hinata.

"I was thinking maybe you should learn how to drive." He suggested suddenly.

"Really? Why?" she asked, wanting to know his reasoning. Was he tired to driving her around?

"I'm not tired of driving you around. I'm just thinking if there's an emergency or I'm not around, you should be able to drive." He said, as if reading her mind.

"I've been thinking about it too. I would love it if you teach me." She said with a pleading look.

"Sure." He said as he ruffled her hair and started to eat. She followed suit and after they had finished breakfast, they walked towards their car and set off. Hinata could say she did not miss bickering with the Uchiha in the early morning as she laughed with Neji on the way to school.


Sasuke was done with breakfast when he picked up his bag and walked towards the front door. Then he stopped and looked at his watch. He was going to be late. Why was she taking so long?

Then he realized with a jolt. He did not have to drive Hinata anymore. She was gone. He was standing here for nothing. Like an idiot. Reprimanding himself, he shook his head and walked to his car.

He looked at the passenger seat and threw his bag there, trying not to let the atmosphere get too lonely without her presence. Funny, he drove alone all the time but he never felt lonely. What the hell was wrong with him now?

Hinata was just a favor to his mother. Nothing else. He did not need her, he told himself. And anyways, she was not going to associate with him anymore. He would only work on the project with her, nothing else. He sighed and drove to school quietly.

Hinata's week passed slowly. She was thankful when Tenten (who was back on Monday and had celebrated with milkshakes by the girls) informed her that it was Friday.

"Hina, we decided to go shopping this weekend, ne?" Ino asked, nudging her. Hinata smiled and answered.

"But I already went shopping with-" Hinata stopped abruptly.

"What were you saying?" Sakura eyed her suspiciously. Tenten and Temari also looked interested in what she had to say.

"I'm saying sure, I'll tag along." Hinata said, thankful for the close save.

"Great. We'll meet up near the fountain at the mall, tomorrow 11 a.m. It's going to be so much fun!" Ino yelled happily.

"Sure. I need some new clothes anyways." Tenten said and Temari smirked.

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