Chapter One: the plan

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warning: Mentions of suicidal thoughts, self harm and bullying are in this story. Read at own risk

She felt like a lab rat.

Caged, alone, and waiting. Waiting for the next experiment that would either cause great pain or end her life.

Except she wasn't a rodent and besides scientists swarming around her it was people her own age and a little older as the freshman and sophomore classes took their break at the same time.

Glancing around to make sure no one was around the small, dark haired girl found a spot farthest away from the soccer field and everyone else for that matter, putting on her headphones and opening her notebook to the first clean page she came to, jotting down an array of words before begining to organize them into at least some form of a poem.

she didn't notice the group of girls looking her way, or how they giggled (or in one's case, grinned) as their conversation turned from the soccer tournament their school would get to compete in to the small, recluse form of Yulia Volkova.

"You know she's a dyke. Not only that but she's ugly. As if anyone would want her, not even someone as sick in the head as her!"

Anastasia, a brunette that had a sun kissed complexion stated as she looked around her small group of friends.

"Someone really should show her that she is not welcomed here. Maybe she'd move or better yet, kill herself."

Everyone muttered something in agreement, all except the ring leader of the group. A red haired girl with pale, freckled skin and green eyes.

"Earth to Lena! What are you doing? Drooling after the exchange student in the sophomore class?"

Anastasia asked, snapping Lena from her thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, sorry. You were saying?"

Lena responded, earning a sigh.

"I was saying that you should really pay the freak back for that love letter she sent you last year."

Lena sighed at that, remembering finding the carefully folded note in her desk during math class and how Yulia had ran off in tears when every one began to jeer at her after Anastasia announced the letter to the class.

"Yeah, maybe I should.  But how?"

Lena answered, noting the devious looks on her friend's faces.

"Simple, you pretend you like her, or want to get to know her or something then when she thinks that you are in love with her you announce in front of the whole school that she is sick, that you would never touch her."

Lena only nodded before excusing herself, heading inside to figure out what she planned to do.

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