chapter 52: Too far

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Lena noticed the pattern before she even realized how far that Yulia had went. she wouldn't stop by to see Lena as much as she had before and even when she did she seemed always in a rush, saying something each time about a strict schedule.

"Mom? What do you think is wrong with Yulia?"

She decided to ask one night, earning a shrug.

"No idea. Maybe she just has a lot of things to do for her parents? When she calls you tonight why don't you ask her? I mean you two tell each other everything."

her mother suggested before adding

"I just figured you had another fight or something."

Lena sighed as she took a seat at the table.

"No, she's just being weird recently. I'm worried about her, I think she's losing weight and she was tiny enough!"

Yulia's whole body hurt as she fell back onto the bed, she was too sore to move and she was pretty sure every muscle in her body was torn at this point – or at the very least felt like it.

When her phone began to ring she let out an annoyed sigh as she slowly pulled herself into a sitting position in order to answer it.


Yulia practically winced at her own tone no sooner than she had spoken.

"Yulia? It's me, Lena. Are you okay?"

Yulia really wanted to tell Lena about her day but she knew the redhead would only lecture her about hurting herself.

"Yeah. I just woke up...I had a hard day."

Yulia answered.

"Doing what? You always seem to be out."

Lena questioned though the brunette could hear the hidden accusations in her tone.

"What are you jealous? I'm not cheating on you if that's what you're thinking I..."

She was at a loss for words.

She just couldn't tell Lena that she had been spending most of her free time in the local gym. Lena would start lecturing her on the negative health effects of overworking herself and in her mind, she was sure she would be able to tell when something was wrong.

"What? What have you been doing then Volkova? I wasn't going to accuse you of anything but since you brought it up."

Lena's voice was like ice, something that Yulia hadn't expected.

"I've been taking a lot of small jobs and a self defense class."

Yulia said, feeling guilty almost instantly despite it being only half a lie

At least I told her some of the truth.

Yulia thought before adding

"Tell you what, tomorrow let's do something together. We can go out or stay in. I don't really care. I guess I have been kinda distant lately."

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