chapter 15: To make up her mind

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Lena was heading to lunch when she heard the commotion, hear the instructors yelling as well as the sound of laughter. Rushing toward the sound her blood froze at what she saw. Yulia was laying on the ground, struggling to get up. She had a busted lip, that was obvious as well as blood oozing from the stitches that had ripped in her arm.

As she moved to stand Lena noticed how bruised she was and even how the back of her once pink shirt was soaked through with blood.

Erik was being held back by two upper class boys, both who seemed disgusted by whatever had progressed here as well as the their homeroom teacher who was barking orders.

"What happened?"

Lena asked, unable to take her eyes off of Yulia, who despite having to be in great pain didn't cry.

"We saw that the freak was trying to brainwash you so...."

Anastasia began, though Lena didn't let her finish her sentence when she turned and walked toward Yulia, who looked almost nervous when she saw her.

"So this was your plan huh? I thought you really cared."

Yulia whispered before shoving Lena to the side before forcing her way through the crowd.

She thinks I had something to do with this? She thinks I wanted her to end up this badly hurt?

Lena thought in shock.

The whole room was silent then, waiting on Lena's reaction. Some even began to chant her name.

Lena however, had enough.

"shut up! You idiots think this is funny? That it is alright to hurt someone like this and then laugh at them? I've only known Yulia for a short time but I know she isn't the monster you lot paint her to be. Before last year most of us only knew her because she was good at soccer but her own friends and teammates turned their backs on her and let this happen! I don't think the monster is her, it's all of you!"

She stated before rushing off to find Yulia, though she found her nowhere in the building.

Yulia groaned as she sat back against the cold stone that made up the back wall of the school. She knew her mother would fuss at her if she saw this since there was a risk of getting sick though right now she didn't care, it felt good on the wounds she knew was on her back from when she had been slammed back into edge of the doorway, her skin tearing on the door guard plate.

I knew I'd just get hurt by Lena....I knew it. Why did I even trust her?

She thought as tears spilled down her cheeks.

I bet she's in there laughing right now at how stupid I was.

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