Chapter 28: Grey lining

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Yulia knew her parents had reacted pretty well to the fact that she liked girls, but how would they react when she told them she actually had a girlfriend. Sighing she walked into the living room where her parents were watching the news and sighed.

"Can I talk to you two a minute?"

She asked, earning a concerned look.

"Of course, what is it?"

Oleg stated.

"This stuff didn't happen on accident. I didn't fall...I cut myself. I just....Things are shit at school and it'll only get worse now that I have a girlfriend."

Yulia stated once she had taken a seat, farthest from her parents in case they reacted negatively to her confessions.

"Yulia! Why on earth would you lie about what happened?"

Larissa asked.

"Because I didn't want you two to see me as a freak or something. Everyone treats me like that anyway and I couldn't bare it if you started acting different toward me because of this."

Yulia replied, her voice dropping low as she admitted this.

"Yulia, we love you. There is nothing that could change that."

Oleg stated before adding

"Now are you going to tell us exactly what happened?"

Lena was sitting in bed, writing in her journal when her younger sister came into the room.

"Lena? Mom, Dad and Nat is fighting again."

Katya stated, causing Lena to look up.

"What's new about that?"

Lena retorted, use to having her eighteen year old sister getting into a shouting match with their parents for something at least once a week.

"Because it's about you."

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