Chapter 48: Beautiful

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Lena watched as Yulia peeled the wet shirt off, cursing under her breath all the while.

"You know that bastard didn't have to run his car through that mud puddle like that! I just bought this shirt last week!"

She complained, though Lena's attention was stuck on the scars along Yulia's back, stark pink in contrast to her slightly darker skin tone. She could only imagine how much the wounds that had caused them had to hurt. She wondered how Yulia could act so nonchalant about the still healing and bruised injury along her left shoulder blade, when movement must have irritated

"Those bastards shoved me into a fence last year after I gave you that note. Some of the links had sharp spots, Thus why my back looks like a battle field."

Yulia exsplained, not bothering to turn around though shame was evident in her voice.

"They're not that bad but it must have hurt awfully."

Lena stated, watching how Yulia winced as she pulled on her shirt.

"They did. That's why I worry about you so much. I don't want you to hurt like I have been."

Yulia responded, turning to face the slightly taller girl before gingerly kissing her, not paying any mind to how the other girl's hair was still wet from her shower or how she was dressed in nothing but a bathrobe.

"Yulia, You know you are beautiful right? I don't give a shit what everyone at school said. You are perfect just the way you are and I am not saying that just because you are my girlfriend either....I truly believe that."

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