chapter 40: Family Ties.

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Lena was curled up with a sketchbook, watching as Yulia lay on the floor playing with Tsar with a ripped piece of handkerchief. Glancing down at the sketch she was working on Lena couldn't help but smile.

She is a total sweetheart despite how everyone treated her like crap.

She stated, just as the front door opened and Natalya walked in, drenched.

"Don't even start. I'm getting my crap and getting out. I see you got your little bitch over."

The eighteen year old practically sneered as she walked by.

Yulia glared in the direction that Natalya had left, though she didn't say anything in fear of upsetting Lena. All of this was probably torture for the redhead and she knew it and didn't want to add to that. So instead of doing anything that she would regret she moved from the floor and took a seat by the other girl on the couch, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

"It'll be okay."

she whispered, noting how glassy that Lena's eyes were in that moment.

"How can you do it? This is so hard."

Lena retorted, her voice quivering slightly as she spoke.

"I know it is hard."

Yulia retorted, her voice softening as she spoke.

"Gross. Hopefully I never see you two loser again."

Natalya stated before walking out, slamming the door.

That was when Lena broke down and Yulia made up her mind.

There is no way I am letting her be hurt like this....Even if I hurt her in the process.

Yulia thought, though her thoughts were suddenly shattered when the redhead suddenly buried her face against her shoulder.

"She use to say she would always be there for me....especially after I started highschool. Yulia, I don't know if I can take it if all of my family reacts like that....I don't know what I'll do."

Lena sobbed, nearly solidifying Yulia's resolve though to her surprise instead of saying the words that the brunette both hoped and feared that the redhead would say she responded with

"But I love you....I just don't know what to do!"

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