chapter 33: Rage

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Lena tried to ignore the whispers, keeping a tight grip on Yulia's hand as they walked into the building though she could feel thousands of eyes burning into her back. She wondered briefly if this was how animals in zoos felt, caged and forced to endure prying eyes.

Of course she knew she could have stopped it days before, when Yulia had practically begged her to act like it was a prank. Though she wouldn't do that.


Not when Yulia seemed to care so much in such a short amount of time. Not now that she knew only two things; She felt crazy and she was in love with Yulia Volkova.

The day seemed to pass by quickly though as lunch approached Lena's stomach began to twist more and more with dread. She knew that she should be glad her parents was on her side, though she thought about what would happen if they didn't change schools or—like Yulia suggested—taught her privately at home.

It would be chaos.

"Lenok? You okay?"

She nearly jumped out of her skin when a sudden voice called her from her thoughts, though she relaxed when she saw that it was only Yulia sitting beside of her, brows creased with worry.

"What the hell is a Lenok?"

Lena whispered back, earning a impish smile from the smaller girl.

"I um....sorry. I was trying to think of a nickname or something to call you. It's lame I know."

She whispered back, earning a chuckle.

"Not lame, unique but where the hell did Lenok come from?"

Lena retorted, her worries forgotten for the moment.

At lunch Yulia stayed glued to Lena's side, remembering all too well the previous day.

"Let's go to our spot. We can find our parents later."

She whispered to the redhead, who nodded.

However just as they were walking out of the school a voice, all too familiar to the both of them called out

"Oh look, the dykes are sharing clothes now. What's wrong Elena....Can't handle the truth about you and your little slut?"

Everything after that happened in a blur for Yulia. She saw Lena burst into tears, heard people laughing and then her eyes landed on the speaker and she saw red. The next thing she knew was that she was nursing a sore hand, her knuckles covered in blood that was not her own while everyone else looked on, dumbfounded while two teachers pulled her back.

What the hell? Did I just hit her? Serves the bitch right for hurting Lena like that.

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